Customer Success Cloud Data Dictionary


Label: Customer Success Segment Metric

A junction object that stores the relationship between the Customer Success Segment and Customer Success Metric objects.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Customer_Success_Metric__c Customer Success Metric May 2024 Looks up to: Customer_Success_Metric__c
Customer_Success_Segment__c Customer Success Segment May 2024 The customer success segment that relates to the customer success segment metric.

Looks up to: Customer_Success_Segment__c
Lower_Threshold__c Lower Threshold May 2024 Determines the lower limit for the metric.

Upper_Threshold__c Upper Threshold May 2024 Determines the higher limit for the metric.

Weighting__c Weighting May 2024 Determines the contribution that each metric has towards the account's health score.


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