Customer Success Cloud Permissions

CSC - Analytics Integration User Read Access

API Name: CSCAnalyticsIntegrationUserReadAccess

Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.

Salesforce Standard Objects and Fields Permissions

The table lists the Salesforce standard objects requiring CRUD (Read, Create, Update, and Delete) access and fields requiring field-level security access needed for this permission set.

Object Permission Account Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.

Permissions Available on Permission Set

The table lists the permissions available for this permission set.

Field Permission Account_Customer_Success_Segment__c.End_Date__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Account_Customer_Success_Segment__c.Health_Score_Output_1__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Customer_Success_Metric_Account_Value__c.Value__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Customer_Success_Metric__c.Description__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Objective__c.Account__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Objective__c.Category__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Objective__c.End_Date__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Objective__c.Is_Template__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Objective__c.Objective_Owner__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Objective__c.Objective_Type__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Objective__c.Priority__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Objective__c.Start_Date__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Objective__c.Status__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Objective__c.Success_Criteria__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Objective__c.Success_Plan__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Objective__c.Summary__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook_Task__c.Assigned_Resources__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook_Task__c.Completed__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook_Task__c.Description__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook_Task__c.Duration_Days__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook_Task__c.End_Date_Time__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook_Task__c.End_Date__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook_Task__c.Flagged__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook_Task__c.Parent_Success_Plan__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook_Task__c.Playbook__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook_Task__c.Start_Date_Time__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook_Task__c.Start_Date__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook_Task__c.Status__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook__c.Account__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook__c.Description__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook__c.Duration_Days__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook__c.End_Date__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook__c.Is_Active__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook__c.Is_Template__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook__c.Objective__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook__c.Parent_Success_Plan__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook__c.Playbook_Owner__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook__c.Playbook_Status__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook__c.Stage__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook__c.Start_Date__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook__c.Status_Visual__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook__c.Team__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Resource__c.Email__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Resource__c.First_Name__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Resource__c.Is_Active__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Resource__c.Role__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Resource__c.Salesforce_User__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Source__c.Objective_Source__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Source__c.Objective__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Source__c.Playbook_Source__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Source__c.Playbook__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Source__c.Success_Plan_Source__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Source__c.Success_Plan__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Success_Plan__c.Account__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Success_Plan__c.Challenges_and_Risks__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Success_Plan__c.Is_Template__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Success_Plan__c.Last_Business_Review__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Success_Plan__c.Next_Business_Review__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Success_Plan__c.Status__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Success_Plan__c.Success_Plan_Owner__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Success_Plan__c.Summary__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Object Permission Account_Customer_Success_Segment__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Customer_Success_Metric_Account_Value__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Customer_Success_Metric__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Customer_Success_Segment_Metric__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Customer_Success_Segment__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Objective__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook_Task_Assignment__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook_Task__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Playbook__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Resource__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Source__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Success_Plan__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Team_Membership__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.
Team__c Read Grants read access to your CS Cloud objects, fields, and records.

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