Professional Services Automation Permissions

Changes to Permissions in Spring 2023

The following changes have been introduced in the Spring 2023 release.

New Permissions Added

New Permission Sets

No changes have been made in this release.

New Permission Set Groups

No changes have been made in this release.

New Custom Permissions

No changes have been made in this release.

Deprecated Permissions

Deprecated Permission Sets

No changes have been made in this release.

Deprecated Permission Set Groups

No changes have been made in this release.

Deprecated Custom Permissions

No changes have been made in this release.

Updates to Permission Sets

Permissions in the following permission sets have been updated in this release. For more information, see the Technical Documentation Pack on the Certinia Community.
Permission SetDescriptionView changes
Certinia - PSA - Line Manager Includes permission sets for job functions related to the line manager role. For a full list of the included permission sets go to Permission Sets on this permission set group’s detail page and click Permission Sets in Group. PSALineManager Changes
Certinia - PSA - Ops Team Member Includes permission sets for job functions related to the ops team member role. For a full list of the included permission sets go to Permission Sets on this permission set group’s detail page and click Permission Sets in Group. PSAOpsTeamMember Changes
Certinia - PSA - Project Manager Includes permission sets for job functions related to the project manager role. For a full list of the included permission sets go to Permission Sets on this permission set group’s detail page and click Permission Sets in Group. PSAProjectManager Changes
Certinia - PSA - Resource Includes permission sets for job functions related to the resource role. For a full list of the included permission sets go to Permission Sets on this permission set group’s detail page and click Permission Sets in Group. PSAResources Changes
Certinia - PSA - Resource Manager Includes permission sets for job functions related to the resource manager role. For a full list of the included permission sets go to Permission Sets on this permission set group’s detail page and click Permission Sets in Group. PSAResourceManager Changes
Certinia - PSA - Services Leader Includes permission sets for job functions related to the services leader role. For a full list of the included permission sets go to Permission Sets on this permission set group’s detail page and click Permission Sets in Group. PSAServicesLeader Changes
Certinia - PSA - System Administrator Includes permission sets for job functions related to the system administrator role. For a full list of the included permission sets go to Permission Sets on this permission set group’s detail page and click Permission Sets in Group. PSASystemAdministrator Changes
PSA - Create Projects Create, clone projects, and manage project setup activities. PSACreateProjects Changes
PSA - Edit Project Team Schedule View and edit resource requests and assignments in the PSA Project Team Schedule for all resources assigned to a project. PSAEditProjectTeamSchedule Changes
PSA - Edit Work Planner View and edit assignments and resource requests in the PSA Work Planner. PSAEditWorkPlanner Changes
PSA - Enter Time Against Projects and Assignments Create, view, and delete timecards entered against projects and assignments from the Time Entry UI or PSA Time Entry Lightning component. Only applies when the default fields and custom settings are used. PSAEnterTimeAgainstProjectsAndAssignments Changes
PSA - Enter Time Against Tasks Create, view, and delete timecards entered against project tasks from the Time Entry UI or PSA Time Entry Lightning component. Users must also be assigned the Enter Time Against Projects and Assignments permission set. PSAEnterTimeAgainstProjectTask Changes
PSA - Manage Gantt and Project Tasks Edit gantt, manage project tasks and project task assignments. PSAManageGanttAndProjectTasks Changes
PSA - Manage Project Assignments Assign resources to a project and manage their assignments. PSAManageProjectAssignments Changes
PSA - Manage Project Tasks Create, edit, initiate, and complete project tasks. It also includes permissions to view project and project task gantt. PSAManageProjectTasks Changes
PSA - Manage Resourcing for Project Tasks Manage resource requests and assignments for project tasks. PSAManageResourcingForProjectTasks Changes
PSA - Match and Assign Resources with Optimizer View the Resource Optimizer page, and assign resources who are matched to resource requests. PSAMatchAndAssignResourcesWithOptimizer Changes
PSA - PS Cloud Analytics Setup Assign this to the administrator to create, delete, and view PS Cloud Analytics Setup records. PSAPSAAnalyticsSetup Changes
PSA - Self Assign to a Project Assign yourself to eligible projects. PSASelfAssignment Changes
PSA - Start and Stop Timers Create, view, and delete Timers. PSAStartStopTimer Changes
PSA - Use Project Planner Find, view, and manage your active projects with the project planner. PSAUseProjectPlanner Changes
PSA - Use Resource Planner Find, view, and manage your resources with the resource planner. PSAUseResourcePlanner Changes
PSA - Utilization Analytics Run a Utilization Analytics calculation and view the results. PSAUtilizationAnalytics Changes
PSA - View Cost and Revenue Summary for Project View cost and revenue summary for projects. PSAViewCostAndRevenueSummaryForProject Changes
PSA - View PSA Online Help View FinancialForce PSA context-sensitive help topics that provide information on related pages and objects. PSAOnlineHelp Changes
PSA - View Project Team Schedule View resource requests and assignments in the PSA Project Team Schedule for all resources assigned to a project. PSAViewProjectTeamSchedule Changes
PSA - View Resource View a resource's related information. PSAViewResource Changes
PSA - View Work Planner View resources, resource requests and assignments in the PSA Work Planner. PSAViewWorkPlanner Changes

Updates to Permission Set Labels

For information about changes to permission set labels, see the Technical Documentation Pack on the Certinia Community.

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