Advanced Quoting Data Dictionary


Label: User Field Set Preference

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Can_Sort_Field__c Can Sort Field Pre-Spring 2020 Can sort the field comes for a list in the base class UserFieldSetPreferences.class. TODO:: Need to pull from xml file.

Checkbox false
Do_Not_Automatically_Update_Price__c Do Not Automatically Update Price Pre-Spring 2020 Do not automatically update customer price with internal sell price.

Checkbox false
Field_Display_Order__c Field Display Order Pre-Spring 2020 The order the field set should be display on visual force page

Field_Label__c Field Label Pre-Spring 2020 Field label from the field set

Field_Record_Label__c Field Record Label Pre-Spring 2020 sObject Label from field set

Field_Set_Type__c Field Set Type Pre-Spring 2020 Text(255)
Field_Type__c Field Type Pre-Spring 2020 Text(255)
Locked__c Locked Pre-Spring 2020 Locks or freezes the field when it is moved to the left section on the Quotation Lines Grid.

Checkbox false
Required_Field__c Required Field Pre-Spring 2020 Checkbox false
User__c User Pre-Spring 2020 Owner Of The Field Set Preference Record

Looks up to: User


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