Services CPQ – Salesforce CPQ Connector Permissions

Changes made to Services CPQ – Salesforce CPQ Connector - Create Estimates

Changes made since the last version

Added permissions

No permissions were added to this permission set for this version

Removed permissions

The table lists the permissions removed for this version

Field Permission ffscpq__Estimate__c.ffscpq__Apply_Discount_To_Expense__c Edit, Read Create and view estimates.

Changed permissions

The table lists the permissions Changed for this version

TypeItemOld PermissionNew PermissionOld DescriptionNew Description
Apex Class Permission AsyncApexJobProgressController Enabled Enabled Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
CPQCustomSettingController Enabled Enabled Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
CreateEstimateModalController Enabled Enabled Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
EstimateSearchGridController Enabled Enabled Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
Object Permission SBQQ__Quote__c Read Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate_Line_Set__c Create, Read Create, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
Field Permission ffscpq__Estimate_Line_Set__c.ffscpq__End_Date__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate_Line_Set__c.ffscpq__Order__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate_Line_Set__c.ffscpq__Start_Date__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate_Role_Request__c Create, Read, Edit Create, Read, Edit Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate_Role_Request__c.ffscpq__Estimate_Line_Set__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate_Role_Request__c.ffscpq__Estimate_Task__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate_Role_Request__c.ffscpq__Group__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate_Role_Request__c.ffscpq__Order__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate_Role_Request__c.ffscpq__Practice__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate_Role_Request__c.ffscpq__Region__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate_Role_Request__c.ffscpq__Source_Estimate__c Read Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate_Task__c Create, Read, Edit Create, Read, Edit Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate_Task__c.ffscpq__End_Date__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate_Task__c.ffscpq__Estimate_Line_Set__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate_Task__c.ffscpq__Order__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate_Task__c.ffscpq__Source_Estimate__c Read Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate_Task__c.ffscpq__Start_Date__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
Tab Permission ffscpq__Estimate__c Visible Visible Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate__c.Quote__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate__c.ffscpq__Account__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate__c.ffscpq__Amount__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate__c.ffscpq__Apply_Discount_To_Cost_Contingency__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate__c.ffscpq__Billing_Type__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate__c.ffscpq__Cost_Contingency__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate__c.ffscpq__Cost__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate__c.ffscpq__Description__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate__c.ffscpq__End_Date__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate__c.ffscpq__Expense__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate__c.ffscpq__Group__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate__c.ffscpq__Is_Primary__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate__c.ffscpq__Opportunity__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate__c.ffscpq__Percent_Global_Discount__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate__c.ffscpq__Practice__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate__c.ffscpq__Project__c Read Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate__c.ffscpq__Region__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
ffscpq__Estimate__c.ffscpq__Start_Date__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
pse__Grp__c Read Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
pse__Practice__c Read Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
pse__Project_Source__c.ffscpq__Source_Estimate__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
pse__Region__c Read Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.
pse__Schedule__c Create, Read Create, Read Create and view estimates. Create and view estimates.

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