Accounting Data Dictionary


Label: Billing Document to Sales Invoice

Contains settings that control the behavior of the Billing Document to Sales Invoice or Credit Note integration.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
AdditionalEligibilityField__c Additional Eligibility Field Spring 2022 API name of the field on the Billing Document object used to determine whether a sales invoice or credit note can be created from the billing document. The field is used alongside the default eligibility criteria. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

AutoCreateInvoiceOrCreditField__c Auto Create Invoice or Credit Field Spring 2022 API name of the field on the Billing Document object used to determine whether a sales invoice or credit note is automatically created from the billing document as soon as it becomes eligible. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

BillingDocumentLineSynchronousLimit__c Billing Document Line Synchronous Limit Spring 2022 Maximum number of billing document line items in a billing document that can be processed synchronously. If the number of lines in a billing document is greater than this number, the billing document is always processed asynchronously (in the background) when creating a sales invoice or credit note.

Number(6,0) 300
ValidateCompanyOnBillingDocument__c Validate Company on Billing Document Spring 2022 When selected, the Company field must be specified for a billing document before it can be completed. In addition, the company must be linked to an Accounting company. This validation is also applied when creating a sales invoice or credit note from the billing document.

Checkbox true

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