Fixed Asset Management Data Dictionary


Label: Fixed Asset Management Batch Settings

Contains settings that control batch processes in Fixed Asset Management.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Depreciation_Generation_Scope__c Depreciation Book Batch Limit Pre-Fall 2018 The maximum number of depreciation books to be processed in a single batch.

Number(5,0) 50
Export_Batch_Runs_To_Retain__c Number of Export Batches to Keep Pre-Fall 2018 The number of export batches that batch control records and batch logs are stored for.

Number(5,0) 5
Export_Schedules_Scope__c Export Schedules Batch Limit Pre-Fall 2018 The maximum number of depreciation schedules to be processed in a single batch.

Number(5,0) 500
Generate_Batch_Runs_To_Retain__c Number of Generate Batches to Keep Pre-Fall 2018 The number of generate batches that batch control records and batch logs are stored for.

Number(5,0) 5
Max_Number_of_Jobs_in_Queue__c Maximum Queue Size Pre-Fall 2018 The maximum number of batches to process at the same time.

Notification_Chatter__c Chatter Notifications Pre-Fall 2018 Chatter posts will be created to notify users of batch progress.

Checkbox false
Notification_Email__c Email Notifications Pre-Fall 2018 Email messages will be created to notify users of batch progress.

Checkbox false
Notification_Recipients__c Notification Recipients Pre-Fall 2018 One or more email addresses of additional users to notify of batch progress. Separate email addresses using semicolons (;).

Notification_Task__c Task Notifications Pre-Fall 2018 Salesforce tasks will be created to notify users of batch progress.

Checkbox false

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