Services CPQ Data Dictionary


Label: Estimate Product Instance

For system use only. An instance of an Estimate Product added to an Estimate.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Bill_Amount_Estimate_Currency__c Bill Amount (Estimate Currency) Services CPQ September 2023 The bill amount for the estimate product instance in the currency of the related estimate.

Number(18,4) 0
Bill_Amount__c Bill Amount Services CPQ September 2023 The total bill amount for the estimate product instance.

Currency(18,4) 0
Billable_Expense_Amount_Estimate_Curr__c Billable Expense Amount (Estimate Curr) Services CPQ September 2023 The total amount of billable estimated expenses related to the estimate product instance in the currency of the estimate.

Number(18,4) 0
Billable_Expense_Amount__c Billable Expense Amount Services CPQ September 2023 The total amount of billable estimated expenses related to the estimate product instance.

Currency(18,4) 0
Billing_Type__c Billing Type Services CPQ Winter 2023 The method of billing to be used.

Fixed Price
Time and Materials
Cost_Amount_Estimate_Currency__c Cost Amount (Estimate Currency) Services CPQ September 2023 The cost amount for the estimate product instance in the currency of the estimate.

Number(18,4) 0
Cost_Amount__c Cost Amount Services CPQ September 2023 The total cost amount for the estimate product instance.

Currency(18,4) 0
Description__c Description Services CPQ August 2022 Description of the estimate product instance.

End_Date__c End Date Services CPQ September 2022 The date the estimate product instance ends.

Estimate_Product__c Estimate Product Services CPQ August 2022 The estimate product that relates to the estimate product instance.

Looks up to: Estimate_Product__c
Estimate__c Estimate Services CPQ August 2022 The estimate that relates to the estimate product instance.

Looks up to: Estimate__c
Fixed_Price_Margin_Percent__c Fixed Price Margin (%) Services CPQ Winter 2023 For fixed price estimate product instances only. The fixed price margin that the estimate product instance uses to calculate the billable amount.

Is_Processing__c Processing Records Services CPQ February 2023 Indicates that records associated with the estimate product instance are currently being created or updated.

Checkbox false
Is_Pushed_To_Opportunity__c Pushed to Opportunity Services CPQ October 2022 Indicates that the estimate product has been pushed to its related opportunity.

Checkbox false
Net_Bill_Amount_Estimate_Currency__c Net Bill Amount (Estimate Currency) Services CPQ September 2023 The total bill amount for the estimate product instance after discounts are applied, in the currency of the estimate.

Number(18,4) 0
Net_Bill_Amount__c Net Bill Amount Services CPQ September 2023 The total bill amount for the estimate product instance after discounts are applied.

Currency(18,4) 0
Opportunity_Line_Item__c Opportunity Product Services CPQ September 2022 The opportunity product created for the estimate product instance when the estimate was pushed to opportunity.

Looks up to: OpportunityLineItem

Order__c Peer Order Services CPQ September 2022 For system use. Used to determine the hierarchy of the product.

Percent_Discount__c Discount (%) Services CPQ May 2023 The percentage discount applied to the role requests associated with the estimate product.

Project__c Project Services CPQ October 2022 The project created from the estimate product.

Looks up to: pse__Proj__c

Start_Date__c Start Date Services CPQ August 2022 The date the estimate product instance starts.

Total_Non_Billable_Expenses_Est_Curr__c Total Non-Billable Expenses (Est Curr) Services CPQ September 2023 The total amount of non-billable estimated expenses related to the estimate product instance, in the currency of the estimate.

Number(18,4) 0
Total_Non_Billable_Expenses__c Total Non-Billable Expenses Services CPQ September 2023 The total amount of non-billable estimated expenses related to the estimate product instance.

Currency(18,4) 0
Vendor_Line_Item_Bill_Amount_Est_Curr__c Vendor Line Item Bill Amount (Est Curr) Services CPQ September 2023 The bill amount of the vendor line items that are related to the estimate product instance, in the currency of the estimate.

Number(18,4) 0
Vendor_Line_Item_Cost_Amount_Est_Curr__c Vendor Line Item Cost Amount (Est Curr) Services CPQ September 2023 The cost amount of the vendor line items that are related to the estimate product instance, in the currency of the estimate.

Number(18,4) 0
Vendor_Line_Item_Total_Bill_Amount__c Vendor Line Item Total Bill Amount Services CPQ September 2023 The total bill amount of the vendor line items that are related to the estimate product instance.

Currency(18,4) 0
Vendor_Line_Item_Total_Cost_Amount__c Vendor Line Item Total Cost Amount Services CPQ September 2023 The total cost amount of the vendor line items that are related to the estimate product instance.

Currency(18,4) 0

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