Foundations Data Dictionary


Label: FDN Background Processing Settings

Contains settings that control the behavior of background processes in Foundations.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
BillingDocumentCalculateTaxScopeSize__c Billing Doc Calculate Tax Scope Size Pre-Spring 2018 Maximum number of documents to be processed in one go when calculating tax for billing documents.

Chatter__c Chatter Notification Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
Email__c Email Notification Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
MaximumQueueSize__c Batch System Maximum Queue Size Pre-Spring 2018 Number(2,0)
MessageDeletionScopeSize__c Message Deletion Batch Scope Size Pre-Spring 2018 Number(4,0) 2000
MessageDeliveryChunkingScopeSize__c Message Delivery Chunking Scope Size Pre-Spring 2018 Overrides the automatic calculation of the number of messages to be chunked for delivery in a batch. If blank, the number of messages is calculated based on the worst case scenario.

Number(4,0) null
MessageDeliveryErrorDetectionScopeSize__c Error Detection Scope Size Pre-Spring 2018 Overrides the automatic calculation of the number of messages processed when detecting errors in a batch. If blank, the number of messages is calculated based on the worst case scenario.

Number(4,0) 1
MessageDeliveryMaxLoopCount__c Message Delivery Max Loop Count Pre-Spring 2018 Number(2,0) 10
MessageDeliveryPreparationScopeSize__c Message Delivery Preparation Scope Size Pre-Spring 2018 Overrides the automatic calculation of the number of messages to be prepared for delivery in a batch. If blank, the number of messages is calculated based on the worst case scenario.

Number(4,0) null
MessageDeliveryRoutingScopeSize__c Message Delivery Routing Scope Size Pre-Spring 2018 Overrides the automatic calculation of the number of messages to be routed for delivery in a batch. If blank, the number of messages is calculated based on the worst case scenario.

Number(4,0) null
NotificationRecipients__c Notification on objects Pre-Spring 2018 TextArea
OrgWideEmailAddress__c Organization-Wide Email Address Winter 2024 Email address used by some Certinia products to send emails from background processes.

SequenceEventSplittingSize__c Sequence Event Splitting Size Pre-Spring 2018 Specifies how many records may be sent in a single Sequence Request event.

Number(4,0) 1000
SequenceGenerationScopeSize__c Sequence Generation Scope Size Pre-Spring 2018 Specifies how many records to be processed at a time, during sequence generation.

Number(4,0) 200
SequenceHandlerMaxRecords__c Sequence Event Handler Maximum Records Pre-Spring 2018 Specifies how many records the Sequence Event Handler may attempt to process at a time.

Number(4,0) 1000
SequenceHandlerMaxSObjectTypes__c Sequence Event Handler Max SObjectTypes Pre-Spring 2018 Specifies how many different SObjectTypes the Sequence Event Handler may attempt to process at a time.

Number(4,0) 10
Task__c Task Notification Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
UserInformationManageUserScopeSize__c Manage User Scope Size Pre-Spring 2018 Maximum number of records to process in one go when creating, updating, deactivating and activating Salesforce users for pending user information records.

Number(4,0) 200

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