Accounting Data Dictionary


Label: Cash Matching History

Records the activities that take place during the payment, discounting or writing-off of a payable transaction line.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
AccountOutstandingValue__c Account Outstanding Value Pre-Spring 2018 See note 2

Number(18,2) 0
AccountValue__c Account Value Pre-Spring 2018 See note 1

Number(18,2) 0
Account__c Account Pre-Spring 2018 A cash matching history record will refer to the account

Looks up to: Account

Action__c Action Pre-Spring 2018 The reason for the creation of the record.

Auxiliary GLA
Currency Write-off
GLA Balancing
Undo Match
ArchiveSet__c Archive Set Spring 2018 Looks up to: ArchiveSet__c
DaysToPay__c Days to Pay Spring 2019 Number of days the customer took to pay. This value is used to calculate the Average Days to Pay on the Account object.

IF(AND(ISPICKVAL(TransactionLineItem__r.Transaction__r.TransactionType__c, 'Invoice'), AccountOutstandingValue__c == 0), MatchingDate__c - TransactionLineItem__r.Transaction__r.TransactionDate__c, 0)
DiscountDate__c Discount Date Pre-Spring 2018 Date
DocumentOutstandingValue__c Document Outstanding Value Pre-Spring 2018 See note 2

Number(18,2) 0
DocumentValue__c Document Value Pre-Spring 2018 See note 1

Number(18,2) 0
Document__c Document Spring 2021 This field contain the links for the respective matching document number.

HYPERLINK("/" & IF(TransactionLineItem__r.Transaction__r.SalesInvoice__c != null, TransactionLineItem__r.Transaction__r.SalesInvoice__c, IF(TransactionLineItem__r.Transaction__r.CashEntry__c != null, TransactionLineItem__r.Transaction__r.CashEntry__c, IF(TransactionLineItem__r.Transaction__r.SalesCreditNote__c != null, TransactionLineItem__r.Transaction__r.SalesCreditNote__c, IF(TransactionLineItem__r.Transaction__r.Journal__c != null, TransactionLineItem__r.Transaction__r.Journal__c, IF(TransactionLineItem__r.Transaction__r.PayableCreditNote__c != null, TransactionLineItem__r.Transaction__r.PayableCreditNote__c, IF(TransactionLineItem__r.Transaction__r.PayableInvoice__c != null, TransactionLineItem__r.Transaction__r.PayableInvoice__c, "")))))) , TransactionLineItem__r.Transaction__r.DocumentNumber__c )
DualOutstandingValue__c Dual Outstanding Value Pre-Spring 2018 See note 2

Number(18,2) 0
DualValue__c Dual Value Pre-Spring 2018 See note 1

Number(18,2) 0
ExternalId__c External Id Pre-Spring 2018 Text(32)
HomeOutstandingValue__c Home Outstanding Value Pre-Spring 2018 See note 2

Number(18,2) 0
HomeValue__c Home Value Pre-Spring 2018 See note 1

Number(18,2) 0
LineNumber__c Line Number Pre-Spring 2018 Sequential number – the order of creation

Number(18,0) 0
MatchedType__c Match Type Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
MatchingCurrency__c Matching Currency Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: codaAccountingCurrency__c
MatchingDate__c Matching Date Pre-Spring 2018 The date when the line was matched in allocation

Date Today()
MatchingReference__c Matching Reference Pre-Spring 2018 A reference linking matched lines

Looks up to: codaMatchingReference__c
OwnerCompany__c Company Pre-Spring 2018 Looks up to: codaCompany__c
Period__c Period Pre-Spring 2018 Financial period

Looks up to: codaPeriod__c
ReportingOutstandingValue__c Reporting Outstanding Value Fall 2021 The outstanding value used to report to the parent company.

ReportingValue__c Reporting Value Fall 2021 The value used to report to the parent company.

TransactionLineItem__c Transaction Line Item Pre-Spring 2018 A transaction line may have many cash matching history records if its type is account; analysis and tax lines do not have a history

Looks up to: codaTransactionLineItem__c
UndoMatchingReference__c Undo Matching Reference Pre-Spring 2018 A reference linking un-matched lines

Looks up to: codaMatchingReference__c
UndoReason__c Undo Reason Pre-Spring 2018 The reason for matching being undone

Matching Error
Remittance Advice Incorrect
UnitOfWork__c Unit of Work Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0)
Year__c Year Pre-Spring 2018 Formula:

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