Professional Services Automation Data Dictionary


Label: Revenue Forecast Staging

Temporarily stores values for a revenue forecast or revenue forecast type.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Actual_Hours__c Actual Hours Summer 2024 The number of actual hours included in the relevant % Complete revenue forecast calculation for this month.

Actual_Weighted_Effort__c Actual Weighted Effort Summer 2024 The weighted effort associated with actual hours for a given monthly time period. This field is only relevant if you are using the Weighting feature for % Complete monthly forecast calculations.

Milestone__c Milestone Summer 2024 Lookup to the milestone the relevant revenue forecast relates to.

Looks up to: Milestone__c
Project__c Project Summer 2024 Lookup to the project the relevant revenue forecast relates to.

Looks up to: Proj__c
Revenue_Pending_Recognition__c Revenue Pending Recognition Summer 2024 The revenue that is ready for recognition on the relevant revenue forecast.

Number(18,2) 0
Revenue_Recognized_To_Date__c Revenue Recognized to Date Summer 2024 The revenue that has already been recognized on the relevant revenue forecast.

Number(18,2) 0
Revenue_Source__c Revenue Source Summer 2024 Indicates the source of the revenue for this record.

% Complete: Milestone
% Complete: Project
Deliverable: EVA
Deliverable: Expense
Deliverable: Milestone
Deliverable: Miscellaneous Adjustment
Deliverable: Resource Request
Deliverable: Timecard
Equal Split: Milestone
Equal Split: Project
Revenue_Type__c Revenue Type Summer 2024 Indicates whether the values in this record apply to actual or forecast revenue.

Scheduled_Hours__c Scheduled Hours Summer 2024 The number of scheduled hours included in the relevant % Complete revenue forecast calculation for this month.

Scheduled_Revenue__c Scheduled Revenue Summer 2024 The revenue that is scheduled for recognition on the relevant revenue forecast.

Number(18,2) 0
Scheduled_Weighted_Effort__c Scheduled Weighted Effort Summer 2024 The weighted effort associated with scheduled hours for a given monthly time period. This field is only relevant if you are using the Weighting feature for % Complete monthly forecast calculations.

Time_Period__c Time Period Summer 2024 Lookup to the time period the relevant revenue forecast relates to.

Looks up to: Time_Period__c
Unscheduled_Hours__c Unscheduled Hours Summer 2024 The number of unscheduled hours included in the relevant % Complete revenue forecast calculation for this month.

Unscheduled_Revenue__c Unscheduled Revenue Summer 2024 The revenue that is currently unscheduled.

Number(18,2) 0

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