Revenue Management Data Dictionary


Label: RM Process Schedule

Contains the information required to automatically run an automation configuration.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Active__c Active Winter 2024 Indicates if the schedule is active.

Checkbox false
AutomationConfiguration__c RM Automation Configuration Winter 2024 Lookup to the RM Automation Configuration.

Looks up to: AutomationConfiguration__c
CronExpression__c Cron Expression Winter 2024 Represents the times the schedule will run as a Cron expression. Used only when the schedule type is Calendar.

NextDue__c Next Due Winter 2024 The next date and time of the day the schedule will run.

PeriodDayOffset__c Period Day Offset Winter 2024 The number of days from the start of the period the schedule will run. Enter a negative value to run before the start date. Enter a positive value to run after the start date. Used only when the schedule type is Recognition Period.

RunTime__c Run Time Winter 2024 The time of day the schedule will run, displayed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), on the day specified by Period Day Offset. Used only when the schedule type is Recognition Period.

ScheduleType__c Schedule Type Winter 2024 The type of this schedule.

Recognition Period

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