Foundations Permissions

Changes made to Report Builder

Changes made since the last version

Added permissions

The table lists the permissions added for this version

Apex Class Permission frb_AnalyticsLensesService Enabled Create and customize statements and reports using Analytics and Lightning Web Components.
frb_ObjectDescriber Enabled Create and customize statements and reports using Analytics and Lightning Web Components.
Tab Permission frb_Real_Time_Configuration__c Visible Create and customize statements and reports using Analytics and Lightning Web Components.
Field Permission frb_Real_Time_Configuration__c.Dataset_API_Name__c Edit, Read Create and customize statements and reports using Analytics and Lightning Web Components.
frb_Real_Time_Configuration__c.Dataset_Delta_Field_API_Name__c Edit, Read Create and customize statements and reports using Analytics and Lightning Web Components.
frb_Real_Time_Configuration__c.Dataset_Record_Id_Field_API_Name__c Edit, Read Create and customize statements and reports using Analytics and Lightning Web Components.
frb_Real_Time_Configuration__c.Description__c Edit, Read Create and customize statements and reports using Analytics and Lightning Web Components.
frb_Real_Time_Configuration__c.Field_Map__c Edit, Read Create and customize statements and reports using Analytics and Lightning Web Components.
frb_Real_Time_Configuration__c.SObject_API_Name__c Edit, Read Create and customize statements and reports using Analytics and Lightning Web Components.

Removed permissions

No permissions were removed from this permission set for this version

Changed permissions

No permissions were changed from this permission set for this version

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