Customer Success Cloud Data Dictionary


Label: CS Cloud Create/Edit Field Set Settings

Contains settings that control the behavior of field sets in the creation and edit windows, including creating records from templates in the creation windows, in Customer Success Cloud.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
CS_Activity_Edit_Field_Set__c CS Activity Edit Fields Summer 2024 The API name of the field set that defines the additional CS activity fields that are available when editing a CS activity.

Text(59) "Edit_CS_Activity_Fields"
Objective_Edit_Field_Set__c Objective Edit Fields Summer 2024 The API name of the field set that defines the additional objective fields that are available when editing an objective.

Text(59) "Edit_Objective_Fields"
Objective_Templating_Field_Set__c Objective Create Fields August 2023 The API name of the field set that defines the additional objective fields that are available when creating blank objectives and objectives from templates.

Text(59) "Copy_From_Template_Objective_Fields"
Playbook_Edit_Field_Set__c Playbook Edit Fields Summer 2024 The API name of the field set that defines the additional playbook fields that are available when editing a playbook.

Text(59) "Edit_Playbook_Fields"
Playbook_Task_Edit_Field_Set__c Playbook Task Edit Fields Summer 2024 The API name of the field set that defines the additional playbook task fields that are available when editing a playbook task.

Text(59) "Edit_Playbook_Task_Fields"
Playbook_Task_Templating_Field_Set__c Playbook Task Create Fields August 2023 The API name of the field set that defines the playbook task fields that are copied when creating a playbook task from a parent record template.

Text(59) "Copy_From_Template_Playbook_Task_Fields"
Playbook_Templating_Field_Set__c Playbook Create Fields August 2023 The API name of the field set that defines the additional playbook fields that are available when creating blank playbooks and playbooks from templates.

Text(59) "Copy_From_Template_Playbook_Fields"
Success_Plan_Edit_Field_Set__c Success Plan Edit Fields Summer 2024 The API name of the field set that defines the additional success plan fields that are available when editing a success plan.

Text(59) "Edit_Success_Plan_Fields"
Success_Plan_Templating_Field_Set__c Success Plan Create Fields August 2023 The API name of the field set that defines the additional success plan fields that are available when creating blank success plans and success plans from templates.

Text(59) "Copy_From_Template_Success_Plan_Fields"

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