Customer Success Cloud Data Dictionary


Label: Source

Links the record created from a template to the template record it was created from.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Objective_Source__c Objective Source June 2023 The template objective that was used to create the new objective.

Looks up to: Objective__c
Objective__c Objective June 2023 The objective created from the template objective.

Looks up to: Objective__c
Playbook_Source__c Playbook Source June 2023 The template playbook that was used to create the new playbook.

Looks up to: Playbook__c
Playbook__c Playbook June 2023 The playbook created from the template playbook.

Looks up to: Playbook__c
Success_Plan_Source__c Success Plan Source June 2023 The template success plan that was used to create the new success plan.

Looks up to: Success_Plan__c
Success_Plan__c Success Plan June 2023 The success plan created from the template success plan.

Looks up to: Success_Plan__c

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