Extended Planning & Analysis Data Dictionary


Label: Planning Unit

Defines the unit of measure to be used within a plan.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
DecimalPrecision__c Decimal Precision May 2024 Allows the user to choose the decimal precision of a unit of measure.

Description__c Description May 2024 The unit description.

ISOCode__c Code May 2024 The unit code, e.g. USD, may not apply for non-currency units.

IsBaseUnit__c Base Unit Summer 2024 Indicates whether the unit is the unique base unit for a unit type.

Checkbox false
PrefixSymbol__c Symbol Prefix Summer 2024 Displays the Planning unit symbol that comes before a numeric value in a plan cell.

SuffixSymbol__c Symbol Suffix Summer 2024 Displays the Planning unit symbol that comes after a numeric value in a plan cell.

UnitType__c Unit Type Summer 2024 Looks up to: UnitType__c

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