Services CPQ Permissions

Changes made to SCPQ - Add to Opportunity

Changes made since the last version

Added permissions

The table lists the permissions added for this version

Field Permission Estimate_Role_Request__c.Work_Calendar__c Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Object Permission pse__HolidayObj__c Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Work_Calendar__c Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity.

Removed permissions

No permissions were removed from this permission set for this version

Changed permissions

The table lists the permissions Changed for this version

TypeItemOld PermissionNew PermissionOld DescriptionNew Description
Apex Class Permission CPFE_GroupingCriteriaController Enabled Enabled Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
CPQCustomSettingController Enabled Enabled Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
EstimateLockController Enabled Enabled Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Object Permission Estimate_Line_Set__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Field Permission Estimate_Line_Set__c.Billing_Type__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Line_Set__c.End_Date__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Line_Set__c.Estimate_Product__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Line_Set__c.Estimate__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Line_Set__c.Start_Date__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Product_Instance__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Product_Instance__c.Billing_Type__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Product_Instance__c.Is_Pushed_To_Opportunity__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Product_Instance__c.Opportunity_Line_Item__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Product_Instance__c.Project__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Product__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Product__c.Product__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c Read, Edit Read, Edit Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Actual_Cost_Rate__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Amount__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Average_Cost_Rate__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Bill_Rate_Override__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Cost_Amount__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Cost_Rate_Override__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Estimate_Product__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Estimate_Task__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Estimate__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.External_Resource__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Group__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Net_Amount__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Percent_Discount__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Practice__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Region__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Requested_Bill_Rate__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Resource_Request__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Schedule__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Source_Estimate__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Role_Request__c.Suggested_Bill_Rate__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Task__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Task__c.Estimate_Product__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate_Task__c.Estimate__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Tab Permission Estimate__c Visible Visible Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate__c.End_Date__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate__c.Is_Primary__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate__c.Is_Pushed_To_Opportunity__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate__c.Net_Amount__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate__c.Opportunity_Line_Item__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate__c.Opportunity__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate__c.Project__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate__c.Stage_Name__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate__c.Start_Date__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Estimate__c.State__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
LoadFieldSet Enabled Enabled Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Opportunity Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
OpportunityLineItem Create, Read, Edit Create, Read, Edit Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
OpportunityLineItem.Description Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
OpportunityLineItem.PricebookEntryId Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
OpportunityLineItem.Product2Id Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
OpportunityLineItem.ServiceDate Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
OpportunityLineItem.UnitPrice Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
OpportunityLineItem.pse__IsServicesProductLine__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
OpportunityProductAccordionController Enabled Enabled Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
PricebookEntry Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Product2 Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
ResourceRequestPreviewController Enabled Enabled Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
SObjectController Enabled Enabled Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Application Access Services_CPQ_Lightning Visible Visible Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
Services_CPQ_Workspace Visible Visible Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
cpfe_CreateFromEstimateController Enabled Enabled Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
cpfe_PushToOpportunityActionController Enabled Enabled Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Grp__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Practice__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Region__c Read Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c Create, Read, Edit Create, Read, Edit Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c.Estimate__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c.Role_Request_Schedule__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c.pse__Average_Cost_Rate_Currency_Code__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c.pse__Average_Cost_Rate_Number__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c.pse__End_Date__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c.pse__Group__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c.pse__Notes__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c.pse__Opportunity__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c.pse__Planned_Bill_Rate__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c.pse__Practice__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c.pse__Preferred_Schedule__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c.pse__Project__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c.pse__Region__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c.pse__Requested_Bill_Rate__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c.pse__Resource_Role__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c.pse__SOW_Hours__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c.pse__Suggested_Bill_Rate_Currency_Code__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Resource_Request__c.pse__Suggested_Bill_Rate_Number__c Edit, Read Edit, Read Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.
pse__Schedule__c Read, Edit Read, Edit Push estimate details to the related opportunity. Push estimate details to the related opportunity.

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