Services CPQ Data Dictionary


Label: Estimate Role Skill Request

Stores details of role skill requests for estimate role requests.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Estimate_Role_Request__c Estimate Role Request Services CPQ April 2022 The role request that relates to the role skill request.

Looks up to: Estimate_Role_Request__c
Minimum_Rating__c Minimum Rating Services CPQ April 2022 The minimum rating for the role skill request.

1 - Limited Exposure
2 - Some Familiarity
3 - Comfortable
4 - Strong
5 - Expert
Skill_Certification__c Skill / Certification Services CPQ April 2022 The skill or certification the role skill request is for.

Looks up to: pse__Skill__c

Source_Role_Skill_Request__c Source Role Skill Request Services CPQ Winter 2024 The role skill request that was used as a template in the creation of the role skill request.

Looks up to: Estimate_Role_Skill_Request__c

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