Services CPQ Data Dictionary


Label: Scoping Requirement Response

Stores the scoping requirements responses for scoping requirements.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
Display_Order__c Display Order January 2024 The order that the scoping requirement response is displayed in the scoping requirement.

Is_Default_Selected_Response__c Default Response January 2024 If selected, the scoping requirement response is selected by default when the related scoping requirement's associated estimate product is added to a scoping session. There can only be one default selected response for a scoping requirement.

Checkbox false
Scoping_Requirement_Response_Body__c Scoping Requirement Response Body January 2024 The content of the requirement response to display in a scoping session.

Scoping_Requirement__c Scoping Requirement January 2024 The scoping requirement that relates to the scoping requirement response.

Looks up to: Scoping_Requirement__c

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