Billing Document Fields

The Billing Document object is a core component of Foundations. Other Certinia apps use this object and add fields, buttons, and functionality to it. For a description of the fields and buttons available in Foundations, see Billing Document Fields.

Here is a description of the fields, field sets, Lightning actions, and buttons that Accounting adds to the Billing Document object.


These fields and buttons are only available if they have been added to the billing document page layout.

If you are using FM Communities, you must enable the External Sharing Model in Sharing Settings and set the Default External Access for the Billing Document object to Private, so that community users can only see their own billing documents. For more information, see "Getting Started with FM Communities", available from the Certinia Community website.


Fields Added to the Billing Document Object




Accounting Data Archived R

Indicates that the billing document's accounting data has been archived. This checkbox can only be selected by the archiving process. You cannot make any further changes to the billing document once it is selected.

This checkbox is only available if you have Archiving enabled in your org.

Accounting Transaction



Lookup to the Accounting transaction to which this billing document relates.
Archive Set R

A lookup to the archive set that the billing document has been included in by the archiving process.

This field is only available if you have Archiving enabled in your org.

Auto Create Sales Invoice or Credit Note



This formula checkbox field is automatically selected when the Document Status field is set to "Complete". The field is only used if it is specified as the trigger for automatically creating sales documents from billing documents. When its API name is specified in the Auto Create Invoice or Credit Field custom field in the Billing Document to Sales Invoice custom setting, a sales document is created from the billing document as soon as it is completed.

For more information, see Billing Document to Sales Invoice Custom Setting Fields and Setting up Automatic Creation of Sales Documents from Billing Documents.

Avalara VAT Reporting Document Indicator


Document type used to populate the required Document Indicator value for the Avalara VAT Reporting integration.

When this is blank, it is automatically calculated based on the Document Type before sending the data to Avalara VAT Reporting.

If the document is an invoice, "1 - Invoice" is used. If the document is a credit note, "5 - Canceled Invoice" is used.

Document Rate TR The exchange rate to use to convert from document currency to home currency. If this field is left blank, the exchange rate stored in Accounting is used. Up to nine decimal places are supported.
Dual Rate TR The exchange rate to use to convert from home currency to dual currency. If this field is left blank, the exchange rate stored in Accounting is used. Up to nine decimal places are supported.
Match Type TR Match Type of the Accounting transaction to which this billing document relates.
On Hold  

Indicates that the billing document is unavailable for collection and will not be included in the reminders process.

You can manually edit this field or use the Place on Hold and Release for Collection buttons on the billing document details page or the list view.

Outstanding Value TR Outstanding Value of the Accounting transaction to which this billing document relates.
Payment Status   Payment Status of the Accounting transaction to which this billing document relates.
Period Override TR Name of the Accounting period to use when posting the billing document. If this field is left blank, the period is derived from the billing document's document date.
Posting Error



Error that occurred while posting this billing document.
Posting Status



Posting status for this billing document. This can be:

  • Posting – The billing document is currently being posted to Accounting.
  • Posted – The billing document is successfully posted to Accounting.
  • Error – An error occurred while posting the billing document to Accounting.
  • Empty – The billing document completion process has not yet been started.
Sales Invoice or Credit Note Created SIN Indicates whether a sales invoice or credit note has been created from the billing document.
Year TR Accounting year to which this billing document relates.


Here is a description of the Lightning actions and buttons that Accounting adds to the Billing Document object.

Lightning Actions Added to the Billing Document Object




Create Sales Invoice or Credit Note SIN

Creates a sales invoice or a credit note from the billing document, depending on the value of the Document Type field. For more information, see the following:

Buttons Added to the Billing Document Object




Deprecated: Place On Hold   This button is obsolete. To place billing documents on hold for collections from a Lightning page, you must add the Place On Hold button to the page.
Deprecated: Release For Collection   This button is obsolete. To release billing documents from "On Hold" from a Lightning page, you must add the Release For Collection button to the page.
Place On Hold   Allows you to place billing documents on hold for collections. "On Hold" billing documents are excluded from the collections process and reminders are not sent. This button is available to add to your billing document details page and search layouts.
Release For Collection   Allows you to release billing documents from "On Hold", so that they are included in the collections process and reminders are sent. This button is available to add to your billing document details page and search layouts.
Retry Post TR

Enables you to retry posting of complete billing documents to Accounting transactions on the billing document detail page or list view. You can use this button to manually post the billing document if it fails to post when a billing document is completed or converted to a complete credit note.


This button is only available for complete billing documents that could not be posted to Accounting transactions.

Field Sets

Here is a description of the field sets that Accounting adds to the Billing Document object.

Field Sets Added to the Billing Document Object

Field Set Name


Default Fields


Community Printed Document Fields Contains additional billing document fields to appear on the header of a billing document when printed from FM Communities. Customer Reference
Document Date
Document Due Date
Document Number
Billing Document

Matched Payments

This panel lists financial documents matched to this billing document. It is blank if the current billing document has not been matched. For information about how to include this panel on your billing document page layouts, see Setting up the Billing Document to Transaction Integration.


This panel is not supported on the enhanced Billing Document Detail page. Switch to the Salesforce Detail page if you want to view it.

Billing Document Line Item

Here is a description of the fields and field sets that Accounting adds to the Billing Document Line Item object. They are only available if you are using the integration between Billing Central and Accounting.


These fields are only available if they have been added to the billing document line item page layout.

For more information, see Billing Document Line Item Fields.

Field Name



Match Type TR Match Type of the Accounting transaction to which this billing document line item relates.
Outstanding Value TR Outstanding Value of the Accounting transaction to which this billing document line item relates.
Product GLA Override TR Lookup to an Accounting general ledger account to use on this product line. If this field is left blank, the sales revenue account on the product is used.
Quantity SIN When the Billing Document to Sales Invoice or Credit Note integration is enabled, the Quantity field must be set to a value greater than zero.

Field Sets

Field Set Name


Default Fields


Community Printed Document Fields Contains additional billing document line item fields to appear on billing documents when printed from FM Communities.

Net Value

Tax Rate Total

Tax Value Total

Billing Document Line Item