Journal Line Item Fields

The journal line item fields that appear vary depending upon the line type selected. For each line type, the mandatory fields appear with a red * symbol and the locked fields appear with a lock symbol, when you hover over them. Locked fields are empty fields and you cannot update them.

The Local GLA line type will appear as a default line type when you add a new line in the Journal Line Items Lightning page. Contact your administrator if you want to customize the default line type.

Key: R – Read-only;  * – Mandatory field; E – Editable after posting (subject to some restrictions); S – Sales and Use Tax mode only; V – Value Added Tax/Goods and Services Tax modes only; C - Combined Tax mode only; Cl – Classic EditionClosed The view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package. only; L – Lightning Experience only

Field     Description
Account Cl, L V, S, C

Lookup to the related accountClosed In this context, accounts are organizations or people that you conduct business with, such as customers or vendors. Account is a standard Salesforce object. Certinia accounts can be any Account Record Type.. When the destination line type is "Account Customer" or "Account Vendor", this is the related account.

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

Account Reference L E Enables you to enter one or more references to be used by background matching to match with the journal.
Account Analysis Cl, L V, S, C

Lookup to the related account on a non-account line.

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

Archiving GLA Key   R

Stores the archiving key for the journal line item, based on the account and GLA.

This field is only available if you have enabled the Archiving feature.

Bank Account Cl, L V, S, C

Lookup to the related company bank account.

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

Debit/Credit   V, S, C Indicates whether the line is a debit or credit. This field is only displayed when the Show Debit Credit Indicator custom setting is enabled.For more information, see Managing Custom Settings. Note that when the system generates a journal, such as a currency write-off, line values of 0.00 are shown as debits. (Although this field can be added to the declarative page layout, we recommend that you do not do this because credits will still be shown with the minus sign (–), which may give the impression of double negatives.)
Credit L  

Credit value in document currency. This value is taken from the Value field on the Journal Line Item object, when it is a negative value.

This column is displayed in the Journal Line Items Lightning page only when the Show Single Debit/Credit column (LWC) custom setting is disabled. For more information see Accounting Settings.

Debit L  

Debit value in document currency. This value is taken from the Value field on the Journal Line Item object, when it is a positive value.

This column is displayed in the Journal Line Items Lightning page only when the Show Single Debit/Credit column (LWC) custom setting is disabled. For more information see Accounting Settings.

Destination Company   V, S, C

Lookup to the related destination companyClosed Company that receives the costs during an intercompany transaction..

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

Destination Line Type   V, S, C

On an intercompany line, this is the type of journal line you want to be created in the destination company. One of "Account Customer", "Account Vendor", "General Ledger Account", "Product Sales", "Product Purchases", "Bank Account" or "Tax Code".

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

Dimension 1–4 Cl, L E, V, S, C

Lookup to the names of the analysis dimensions by which you want to analyze this journal line item. In the case of a cash matching journal, these are the analysis dimensions specified on the cash matching page.

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

You can also edit dimensions after posting a journal. You can edit the dimensions only when the Enable Edit Dimensions (after posting) custom settings is enabled. For more information see Accounting Settings.

Dual Rate    

The exchange rate used on this journal line item for home to dual currency.

This column is displayed in the Journal Line Items Lightning page only when the Override Currency Values on Journal Line custom setting is enabled. For more information see Accounting Settings.

Exclude from Cash Flow Cl, L E, V, S, C

If selected, indicates that the bank account line item is excluded from the Cash Flow Analytics dashboard in Business Analytics. The default is deselected.

Note: Your version of Business Analytics must be Fall 2020 or later.

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

You can also edit this field after posting the journal.

General Ledger Account


L, Cl

V, S, C

Lookup to an appropriate general ledger account. For example, for a line type of:

"Account - Customer", set this to the Accounts Receivable Control account.

"Account - Vendor", set this to the Accounts Payable Control account.

"Product - Sales", set this to the Sales Revenue account.

"Product - Purchases", set this to the Payable Analysis account.

You can amend this at any time before posting.

When the destination line type is "General Ledger Account", this is the related general ledger account.

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

You can control the display of the General Ledger Account field along with the Local GLA field in the Journal Line items grid through a custom setting. For more information see Accounting Settings.

GLA Code     The GLA code, for information or reporting purposes.
Intercompany Transfer     Lookup to the related intercompany transfer record, if applicable.
Item     The item specified in the New Line section, but you can change it.
Journal Rate    

The exchange rate used on this journal line item for journal to home currency.

This column is displayed in the Journal Line Items Lightning page only when the Override Currency Values on Journal Line custom setting is enabled. For more information see Accounting Settings.

Line Description L, Cl E, V, S, C

Optional description of this journal line item.

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

You can also edit the line description after posting the journal.

Line Type


L, Cl

V, S, C

The type of line. This could be one of the following:

  • Customer Account
  • Vendor Account
  • Bank Account
  • General Ledger Account
  • Customer Product
  • Vendor Product
  • Tax Code
  • Intercompany

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

Local GLA L, Cl V, S, C

Lookup to an appropriate local GLA. For example, for a line type of:

"Account - Customer", set this to the Accounts Receivable Control account.

"Account - Vendor", set this to the Accounts Payable Control account.

"Product - Sales", set this to the Sales Revenue account.

"Product - Purchases", set this to the Payable Analysis account.


You cannot enter a local GLA if the line type is "Intercompany". You can amend this at any time before posting. When the destination line type is "General Ledger Account", this is the related local GLA account.

In the CIF layout, you can also concatenate the GLA name and Reporting code. You can configure the Disable concat GLA-Reporting Code (CIF) custom setting to control the concatenation. The naming convention followed is GLA Name followed by Reporting code.

Example: LocalGLA1ACT8401# - xxxxxxxx#

For more information see Accounting Settings.

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

Override Account Value     The value entered here overrides the default value in account currencyClosed The trading currency set on the account..
Override Bank Account Value     The value entered here overrides the default value in bank account currency.
Override Dimension 1-4 Value     The values entered here override the default values in up to four dimension currencies.
Override Dual Value     The value entered here overrides the default value in dual currencyClosed The currency in which your corporate headquarters reports financial statements. This defaults to, and is normally the same as, the corporate currency..
Override General Ledger Account Value     The value entered here overrides the default value in general ledger accountClosed The general ledger will normally include general ledger accounts (GLAs) for items such as income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and reserves. currency.
Override Home Value    

The value entered here overrides the default value in home currencyClosed The main working currency of the current company..

In this context, the default value is the system-calculated value using the exchange rate in force on the journal date.

Override Local GLA Value     The value entered here overrides the default value in Local GLA currency.
Payable Invoice Expense Line Item   R Lookup to the Payable Invoice Expense Line Item for a Prepaid Expenses Journal. Value is set automatically and cannot be amended.
Product Cl, L V, S, C

Lookup to a related product or service. When the destination line type is "Product Sales" or "Product Purchases", this is the related product.

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

Product Analysis Cl, L V, S, C

Lookup to the related product on a non-product line.

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

Revenue Recognition Line Update Error     Contains any errors that occurred when updating the transaction line in the Revenue Recognition Transaction Line field.
Revenue Recognition Line Update State     Indicates whether the transaction line in the Revenue Recognition Transaction Line field was updated successfully.
Revenue Recognition Transaction Line     If this journal was created using the RRT to Journal Integration or the RRT to Journal Integration for Cost, this field provides a lookup to the originating revenue recognition transaction line.
Revenue Transaction Summary     If this journal was created using the Summarized RRT to Journal Integration, this field provides a lookup to the originating revenue transaction summary.
Revenue Transaction Summary Update Error     Contains any errors that occurred when updating the summary in the Revenue Transaction Summary field.
Revenue Transaction Summary Update State     Indicates whether the summary in the Revenue Transaction Summary field was updated successfully.
Tax Analysis Cl, L V, S, C

Lookup to the tax code by which you want to analyze this journal line. Only relevant to non-tax lines.

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

Tax Analysis 2 Cl, L S, C

Lookup to the tax code by which you want to analyze this journal line. Only relevant to non-tax lines.

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

Tax Analysis 3 Cl, L S, C

Lookup to the tax code by which you want to analyze this journal line. Only relevant to non-tax lines.

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

Tax Code Cl, L V, S, C

Lookup to the related tax code.

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

Tax Value Cl, L V, S, C

Total value of tax relating to this journal line, to two decimal places.

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

Tax Value 2 Cl, L S, C

Total value of tax relating to this journal line, to two decimal places.

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

Tax Value 3 Cl, L S, C

Total value of tax relating to this journal line, to two decimal places.

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.

Taxable Value Cl, L V, S, C

Taxable value relating to this tax line, to two decimal places.

This field is also available on the Line Items tab of the Lightning Experience Journal page.



Cl, L

V, S, C

The value of the line. You can enter a debit (+) or credit (–) amount or zero. This value is stated in document currency on a manual journal.

This column is displayed in the Journal Line Items Lightning page only when the Show Single Debit/Credit column (LWC) custom setting is enabled. For more information see Accounting Settings.

Year End Criteria Identifier     For internal use.

The following action checkbox may have been installed as part of the Certinia Journal Extension package:

Field   Description
Derive Line Number   Derives the line number on save. This is the highest existing line number +1. If deselected, the value in the Line Number field is used.

The following buttons are available on the Line Items tab of the Journal Lightning page.

Button Description
Search the List Enter a few letters or words to search in the grid records.
Adds a new line item.
Clones the line.
Deletes the line.
Save Saves the lines.

When creating a journal line item, if there are unsaved changes, an Unsaved Changes dialog box appears. You can click one of the following:

  • Continue Editing to continue editing without discarding the changes. 

  • Discard and Continue to discard the line changes and continue updating the journal.

  • Save and Continue to save the line changes and continue updating the journal.

Cancel When you click Cancel you will be prompted to either continue editing or discard changes. Click Discard to cancel the unsaved changes.

Reporting Fields

If the Reporting Currency feature is enabled in the org, the following fields are added to supplement the Journal Line Item fields.




Override Reporting Value   The value entered here overrides the default value in reporting value.
Reporting Rate  

The exchange rate between the home currency and the reporting currency values.

Note: This field has the ability to override currency exchange rates or values on the journal header.
Reporting Value   The credit or debit value converted to reporting currency.