Setting Up Matching from Cash Entry

You can use the Feature Console to set up the Matching from Cash Entry feature. This adds a new button so that you can match a cash entry directly from the Lightning Cash Entry page layout. If you use custom input forms, this button is also available on the Cash Entry form. It also adds additional fields to the Company object so that you can specify the default matching configuration for each of your accounting companies.

Work through the steps in the order shown.

For each manual step, follow the instructions on screen then click Mark As Done when the step is complete. More information about performing any manual steps is provided below.

When you have completed all the steps, use the Status slider in the Feature section to enable the feature.

Default Matching Configuration

The new fields added to your company page layout can be used to specify the default values used for each of your accounting companies when you run background matching or matching from the Cash Entry page. These fields are blank initially. You can specify the defaults you want to use, or leave the fields blank to accept the defaults applied by the matching process.

The Matching Currency Mode field is also used by cash matching.
You must ensure you have the correct permissions to edit the Accounting Company object.

The following fields can be configured:

  • Matching Date. If left blank, the matching process defaults to Cash Entry Date. Cash Entry Date only applies to matching from the Cash Entry page.
  • Match Up To. If left blank, the matching process defaults to Date.
  • Matching Currency Mode. If left blank, the matching process defaults to Account. This is a change from the existing default of Document for background matching.
  • Allow Partial Payment when Matching. If left blank, the matching process defaults to False.
  • First Match By. If left blank, the matching process defaults to Customer Reference.
  • Then Match Remaining By. This field is only used if you add an additional matching condition. If left blank, the matching process defaults to Outstanding Value - Highest First.

For more information, see Accounting Company Fields.

Background Matching Settings

This custom setting applies to the background matching process when you enable the Matching from Cash Entry feature using Feature Console and when using the Background Matching Lightning page.

You can configure the following settings:

  • Matching Process Scope Size. Determines the number of items that can be processed for each run. The default value is 20.
  • Use Detailed Monitoring. Indicates that process logs and success and failure counts are generated. The default value is True. If set to False, Simple Monitoring is used and process logs and success and failure counts are not generated.
  • Custom Delimiter. The custom delimiter entered in this field is displayed on the Account Reference or the Documents to Match fields on a cash entry. You can enter any one special character as a delimiter. By default, this custom setting field is blank and uses "|" to separate the document names in the Account Reference and Documents to Match fields on a cash entry.

For more information, see Background Matching Settings.

Additional Configuration

Permission Sets

When you have enabled Matching from Cash Entry using Feature Console, you must assign the following permission sets to users that perform background matching, including matching from cash entry:

  • Accounting - Background Matching and Write Off
  • FDN AsyncApi - Process

The FDN AsyncApi - Process permission set enables users to view the Process Runs tab.

Related Content

You can use the Related Content Pane feature to add the Matched Payments component to the Cash Entry Lightning page layout.

For more information, see Creating a Related Content Pane.