Document Line Volume Settings

Some aspects of Accounting are controlled by custom settings. From Setup, click Develop | Custom Settings. You must be signed in with system administrator permissions to perform these tasks. See the Salesforce Help for information on how to maintain custom settings.

This custom setting is protected. Contact Customer Support to adjust.

Payment Selection Limits

Document Line Volume Settings
Field Description
Payment Selection Retrieved Limit The maximum number of lines that can be retrieved on the Payment Selection tab. If not set, defaults to 4,000.

Sales Document Line Limits

These fields control the maximum number of lines that you can add to sales documents.

Document Line Volume Settings
Field Description
Intercompany A/R SCR Batch Line Limit

The maximum number of lines you can add to an intercompany A/R sales credit note for the Background Posting Scheduler to post the note asynchronously. If not set, the default maximum number is:

  • Lightning: 2,400
  • Custom Input Forms: 1,000
  • Classic: 80


For more information about:

Intercompany A/R SIN Batch Line Limit The maximum number of lines you can add to an intercompany A/R sales invoice for the Background Posting Scheduler to post the invoice asynchronously. If not set, the default maximum number is:
  • Lightning: 2,400
  • Custom Input Forms: 1,000
  • Classic: 80


For more information about:

Intercompany SCR Batch Line Limit

The maximum number of lines you can add to an intercompany sales credit note for the Background Posting Scheduler to post the note asynchronously. You cannot create a sales credit note with more lines than the number specified here. If not set, the default maximum number is:

  • Lightning: 1,500
  • Custom Input Forms: 80
  • Classic: 80


For more information about:

Intercompany SIN Batch Line Limit The maximum number of lines you can add to an intercompany sales invoice for the Background Posting Scheduler to post the invoice asynchronously. You cannot create a sales invoice with more lines than the number specified here. If not set, the default maximum number is:
  • Lightning: 1,500
  • Custom Input Forms: 80
  • Classic: 80


For more information about:

Sales Credit Note Batch Line Limit

The maximum number of lines you can add to a sales credit note for the Background Posting Scheduler to post asynchronously. You cannot create a sales credit note with more lines than the number specified here. If not set, the default maximum number is:

  • Lightning: 9,980
  • Custom Input Forms: 1,000
  • Classic: 80
Sales Invoice Batch Line Limit

The maximum number of lines you can add to a sales invoice for the Background Posting Scheduler to post asynchronously. You cannot create a sales invoice with more lines than the number specified here. If not set, the default maximum number is:

  • Lightning: 9,980
  • Custom Input Forms: 1,000
  • Classic: 80

For more information about the supported volumes, see Sales Credit Note Line Volumes and Sales Invoice Line Volumes.

Payable Document Line Limits

These fields control the maximum number of lines that you can add to payable documents.

Document Line Volume Settings
Field Description
Intercompany A/P PCR Batch Line Limit The maximum number of lines that an intercompany A/P payable credit note can include for posting asynchronously by the Background Posting Scheduler. You cannot create an intercompany A/P payable credit note with more lines than this maximum number. If not set, the default maximum number is:
  • Lightning: 2,400
  • Custom Input Forms: 1,000
  • Classic: 80
Intercompany A/R PIN Batch Line Limit

The maximum number of lines that you can add to an intercompany A/R payable invoice for the Background Posting Scheduler to post asynchronously. You cannot create a payable invoice with more lines than the number specified here. If not set, the default maximum number is:

  • Lightning: 2,400
  • Custom Input Forms: 1,000
  • Classic: 80
Payable Credit Note Batch Line Limit

The maximum number of lines that can be attached to a payable credit note for posting asynchronously by the Background Posting Scheduler. You cannot create a payable credit note with more lines than the number specified here. If not set, defaults to 1,000.

Payable Invoice Batch Line Limit

The maximum number of lines you can add to a payable invoice for the Background Posting Scheduler to post asynchronously. You cannot create a payable invoice with more lines than the number specified here. If not set, the default maximum number is:

  • Lightning: 9,980
  • Custom Input Forms: 1,000
  • Classic: 80

Journal Line Limits

These fields control the maximum number of lines that you can add to a document for processing:

  • Synchronously (immediately).
  • Asynchronously by the Background Posting Scheduler. If you post a journal that exceeds the line limit set here, its status changes to "Ready to Post" and the Background Posting Scheduler processes it as part of a scheduled batch.
Document Line Volume Settings
Field Description
Canceling Journal Line Limit

The maximum number of lines you can add to a canceling journal for posting immediately (synchronously). Above this number, the Background Posting Scheduler posts the document as part of a scheduled batch (asynchronously). If not set, the default maximum number is:

  • Lightning: 1,000
  • Custom Input Forms: 250
  • Classic: 80

For more information about posting documents asynchronously using the Background Posting Scheduler, see About the Background Posting Scheduler

Cash Matching Journal Line Limit

The maximum number of lines you can add to a cash matching journal for posting immediately (synchronously). Above this number, the Background Posting Scheduler posts the document as part of a scheduled batch (asynchronously). If not set, the default maximum number is:

  • Lightning: 1,000
  • Custom Input Forms: 250
  • Classic: 80

For more information about posting documents asynchronously using the Background Posting Scheduler, see About the Background Posting Scheduler

Income Journal Line Limit

The maximum number of lines you can add to an income schedule journal for posting immediately (synchronously). Above this number, the Background Posting Scheduler posts the document as part of a scheduled batch (asynchronously). If not set, the default maximum number is:

  • Lightning: 1,000
  • Custom Input Forms: 250
  • Classic: 80

For more information about posting documents asynchronously using the Background Posting Scheduler, see About the Background Posting Scheduler

Intercompany Journal Line Limit

The maximum number of lines you can add to an intercompany journal for posting immediately (synchronously). Above this number, the Background Posting Scheduler posts the document as part of a scheduled batch (asynchronously). If not set, the default maximum number is:

  • Lightning: 1,000
  • Custom Input Forms: 250
  • Classic: 80

For more information about posting documents asynchronously using the Background Posting Scheduler, see About the Background Posting Scheduler

Manual Journal Line Limit

The maximum number of lines you can add to a manual journal for posting immediately (synchronously). Above this number, the Background Posting Scheduler posts the document as part of a scheduled batch (asynchronously). If not set, the default maximum number is:

  • Lightning: 1,000
  • Custom Input Forms: 250
  • Classic: 80

For more information about posting documents asynchronously using the Background Posting Scheduler, see About the Background Posting Scheduler

Reconciliation Journal Line Limit

The maximum number of lines you can add to a reconciliation journal for posting immediately (synchronously). Above this number, the Background Posting Scheduler posts the document as part of a scheduled batch (asynchronously). If not set, the default maximum number is:

  • Lightning: 1,000
  • Custom Input Forms: 250
  • Classic: 80

For more information about posting documents asynchronously using the Background Posting Scheduler, see About the Background Posting Scheduler

Reversing Journal Line Limit

The maximum number of lines you can add to a reversing journal for posting immediately (synchronously). Above this number, the Background Posting Scheduler posts the document as part of a scheduled batch (asynchronously). If not set, the default maximum number is:

  • Lightning: 1,000
  • Custom Input Forms: 250
  • Classic: 80

For more information about posting documents asynchronously using the Background Posting Scheduler, see About the Background Posting Scheduler

Journal Batch Line Limits

These fields control the maximum number of lines that you can add to journals.

Document Line Volume Settings
Field Description
Canceling Journal Batch Line Limit The maximum number of lines you can add to a canceling journal for the Background Posting Scheduler to post asynchronously. You cannot create a canceling journal with more lines than the number specified here. If not set, defaults to 1000.
Cash Matching Journal Batch Line Limit The maximum number of lines you can add to a cash matching journal for the Background Posting Scheduler to post asynchronously. . You cannot create a cash matching journal with more lines than the number specified here. If not set, defaults to 1000.
Income Journal Batch Line Limit The maximum number of lines you can add to an income schedule journal for the Background Posting Scheduler to post asynchronously. You cannot create an income schedule journal with more lines than the number specified here. If not set, defaults to 1000.
Intercompany Journal Batch Line Limit The maximum number of lines you can add to an intercompany journal for the Background Posting Scheduler to post asynchronously. You cannot create an intercompany journal with more lines than the number specified here. If not set, defaults to 600.
Manual Journal Batch Line Limit The maximum number of lines you can add to a manual journal for the Background Posting Scheduler to post asynchronously. You cannot create a manual journal with more lines than the number specified here. If not set, defaults to 1000.
Reconciliation Journal Batch Line Limit The maximum number of lines you can add to a reconciliation journal for the Background Posting Scheduler to post asynchronously. You cannot create a reconciliation journal with more lines than the number specified here. If not set, defaults to 1000.
Reversing Journal Batch Line Limit The maximum number of lines you can add to a reversing journal for the Background Posting Scheduler to post asynchronously. You cannot create a reversing journal with more lines than the number specified here. If not set, defaults to 1000.

Journal Document Batch Limit

This setting relates to journal documents, not journal lines.

Document Line Volume Settings
Field Description
Cancel And Recurring Journals Batch Size The maximum number of canceling or recurring journal documents per batch. Recurring journals are only created in batches if the total number of journal lines being created exceeds the Manual Journal Line Limit. If not set, defaults to 5.

Year End Volume Limits

Limitations on the number of records in a single batch mean these must be broken down for processing.

Document Line Volume Settings
Field Description
Year End BS Batch Size Sets the maximum number of records to process in each batch during the balance sheet phase of a year end process. The default is 500.
Year End Lines Retrieved Limit Sets the maximum number of lines retrieved at a time during the year end process. The default is 50 million.
Year End P&L Batch Size Sets the maximum number of records to process in each batch during the profit and loss phase of a year-end process. The default is 500.
Year End Post Batch Size Sets the maximum number of lines to post as a batch. The default is 5.
Year End Reverse Journal Batch Size Sets the maximum number of journals in the reverse journal process (to period 000 of the next year). The default is 1. We recommend you set this to 5.

Allocation Transaction Volume Limits

These settings control the create and reverse allocation transaction processes.

Document Line Volume Settings
Field Description
Allocation Transaction Line Items Limit Sets the maximum number of lines (retrieve and split) on an allocation transaction. The default maximum for an allocation transaction is 1700 lines.
Allocation Transaction Batch Lines Limit Sets the threshold over which the create or reverse allocation process becomes asynchronous (runs in batch). If not set, this defaults to 400 lines.

Transaction Reconciliation Limits

Document Line Volume Settings
Field Description
Reconciliation Line Limit Without Batch Specify the maximum number of transaction lines that can run during the transaction reconciliation process without batch. Enter a value between 0 and 300. Values over 300 are changed to 300.