Setting up the CS Cloud Analytics App

Refer to the following tables and their linked pages for information related to:

  • Licensing
  • Package dependencies
  • Prerequisites and configuration
  • App generation

You must be signed in as an administrator, or equivalent, to complete these tasks.

We recommend that you complete the tasks in the order shown. All of the tasks are mandatory.

Setting up Your CS Cloud Core Analytics App


Task Further Information
1 Ensure the Analytics View Only Embedded App permission set licenses have been enabled in your org. To do this, navigate to Setup | Company Information | Permission Set Licenses and look for Analytics View Only Embedded App. If this permission set license is not available, contact your Certinia Account Manager or Customer Success Manager to ensure you have the required licenses.
2 Ensure that Analytics is enabled in your org. If this is not enabled contact your Onboarding Team to raise a case with Salesforce. To check whether Analytics is enabled in your org, navigate to Setup | Analytics | Getting Started. You will see the Launch CRM Analytics button if Analytics is already enabled.
3 Ensure that null measure handling is enabled in your org. If it is not listed as an option in Analytics Settings, contact your Onboarding Team to raise a case with Salesforce to enable the setting. To check whether null measure handling is enabled in your org, navigate to Setup | Analytics | Settings. If you see an option for Allow null measure handling in datasets and it is ticked, then null measure handling is enabled in your org. For more information, see the Salesforce Help.

Ensure that the following packages are installed in your org:

  • Foundations Winter 2023 or later
  • Customer Success Cloud June 2023 or later
Preparing to Install
5 If your org is configured to support multiple currencies, ensure that the Integration User's currency is set to your corporate currency. To do this, navigate to Setup | Company Information and look at the corporate currency. Ensure the currency selected is the same as in Users | User, Integration. See the Salesforce Help.

Assign the CSC - Analytics Integration User Read Access permission set and CS Cloud license to the Integration User.

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

Assign the CSC - CS Cloud Analytics Setup permission set and CS Cloud license to the CS Cloud Administrator User. This is the user who creates and administers the analytics app.

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

Assign the Analytics View Only User permission set and CS Cloud license to the View User.



The Analytics View Only User is a standard Salesforce permission set that automatically provides access to the Analytics Platform permission set license.

9 Create your CS CloudCore Analytics app. Creating a CS Cloud Core Analytics App

Adding the CS Cloud Core Customer Success Manager Dashboard to the Customer Success Workspace