Generating Depreciation Schedules for a Depreciation Book
To calculate depreciation:
- The status of the asset associated with the depreciation book must be Approved or Active. If the status of the asset is Active, you cannot generate depreciation for accounting books if the depreciation schedules have been exported to a financial accounting system.
- At least one depreciation book must be associated with the asset.
To generate depreciation schedules for a depreciation book:
- Click the Depreciation Books tab.
- Select the Depreciation Book Name of the depreciation book that you want to calculate depreciation schedules for.
- Ensure that the Date in Service field on the asset contains a valid value.
- For depreciation books other than MACRS tax books, ensure that the Applied Depreciation Method related list contains the depreciation methods that you want to use to calculate depreciation. See Applying a Depreciation Method.
- Click Generate Depreciation Schedule.
- If the depreciation book is a tax or custom book, the Generate Depreciation for Period page appears:
Click the image to expand it.
- In the Period Start Date field, enter the date on which depreciation is to be calculated from. You must enter a period start date that falls on or after the Date in Service, but before the end of the service life. There must not be any gaps in the depreciation schedules.
- Select the duration for which you want to calculate depreciation.
- Click Calculate.
- Review the proposed depreciation schedules:
Click the image to expand it.
- Click Confirm to apply the proposed depreciation schedules.
- To change the proposed depreciation schedules, click Back, make the changes you want on the depreciation book and repeat the last two steps.