New Features and Enhancements in Financial Report Builder Spring 2023

The following new features have been introduced in the Spring 2023 release of Financial Report Builder.

If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading to Financial Report Builder Spring 2023. This provides a summary of the items that have been added for each feature and details of any required upgrade steps.

FinancialForce is Now Certinia

We have made the following changes to align with our new Certinia brand:

  • The publisher name has been updated to Certinia
  • Package names no longer reference FinancialForce
  • In most cases, text referring to FinancialForce has been replaced with Certinia

For more information about these updates and related text changes, see the Package Name Updates article in the Certinia Community and the Technical Documentation Pack.

To learn more about our rebrand, visit the Certinia Community for a message from our CEO, Scott Brown.


Major versions include updates to both package and publisher names. In service packs, only the package name has changed. Some elements, such as theming and logos, have not been updated and other references to FinancialForce might remain visible in your org.

Certinia Trailhead: Release Highlights

If you want to learn more about the new features in this release, see the ERP Cloud - Spring 2023 Release Highlights Certinia Trailhead module. This module will guide you through the new features in our ERP Cloud products.

Column Repositioning Enhancement

From this release, you can reorder columns by dragging and dropping them to their required position in your report. This is in addition to the existing functionality of right-clicking a column and selecting or to change its position in your report. For more information, see Formatting Reports.

Saving the Current Period Date Override

We have added a Save button to the Current Period Date Override filter. When you click Save, the date selected for your Current Period Date Override filter is now stored and applied as your current period date override when you add this filter to subsequent reports. If you do not specify a current period date override, then today's date is stored as the default. The date you specify must be in a Salesforce-approved format such as "d MMM yyyy"


If you modify the date of your Current Period Date Override filter in a subsequent report, this amended date is then stored and applied to all your existing reports in Financial Report Builder.

Real-Time Reporting

You can now add real-time data to data derived from your selected dataset. Once configured, real-time reporting retrieves any transactions added in Accounting after the last time your source dataset was refreshed, and inserts them into your report, where they are integrated into any report calculations, such as totals and subtotals. You can also choose to display the last time your Analytics data was refreshed. For more information, see Real-Time Reporting.

Percentage Formatting

You can now add a percentage symbol to indicate percentage values displayed in calculated rows in your reports, using the button available in the formatting toolbar in the Lens Configuration tab. We recommend that you use this new formatting option to indicate percentage values, rather than using &'%' to add a percentage suffix to your measure calculation columns, to avoid duplicate percentage symbols in your reports.

Scale to Fit

You can now scale your report table to fit your selected page layout when exporting reports to PDF. For more information, see Exporting Reports and Statements.

Configuring Reports to Open in Accounting

You can now open and view a consolidated financial statement or any other report created in the Financial Report Builder from the Consolidation Group page in Accounting.

For more information, see:


Fixes are listed on the Known Issues page of the Certinia Community. You can access this page from the Community Support Hub. For a brief description of the issues that have been fixed in this version of Financial Report Builder, see the relevant section of the Known Issues page.