Linking Assignments to Project Methodologies Fields

Here is a description of the fields and buttons on the Link Assignment to Methodologies page.


Your administrator can configure the columns that appear on this page using the LinkMethodologyAssignmentColumns field set in the Assignment object. See Assignment Field Sets.

Key: R – Read-only.

Field   Description
Assignment R Name of the selected assignment.
Project Methodology Name R Name of the project methodologies that you can associate with the assignment.


Key: C – Appears on the confirmation popup when there are unsaved changes.
Button or Control   Description
  Displays the fields set in the Link Methodology Header Tooltip Fields field in the Assignment Settings custom setting.
  Indicates whether the project methodology is to be associated with the assignment when you click Save.
  Indicates the saved state of the project methodology. When the checkbox is selected, the project methodology is associated with the assignment.
Save   Saves the changes and leaves the page open.
Reset   Resets the editable checkboxes on the page to the saved state.
Done   Closes the page. If there are unsaved changes, a confirmation popup appears with several options.
Save and Continue C Saves your changes and returns to the Assignment Detail page.
Continue without Saving C Discards your changes and returns to the Assignment Detail page.
Cancel C Closes the confirmation popup and leaves the page open.