Creating Total Utilization Comparison Lenses

To create your comparison lenses, perform the following steps.

  1. In Analytics Studio, navigate to the app containing your Utilization and Utilization Results datasets.
  2. Click the Utilization Results dataset to create a comparison lens.
  3. Click and select to set your table format as Compare Table.
  4. Click the Utilization dataset to create a comparison lens.
  5. Click and select to set your table format as Compare Table.

Your lenses are displayed side-by-side, enabling you to compare their values after completing the configuration steps below.


Definitions of total utilization values can vary between organizations. You can adapt the total utilization definition used in the steps below according to your own utilization definitions and reporting requirements.

Configuring the Utilization Results lens

In the lens created from the Utilization Results dataset, add the following fields, groups, columns, filters and formulas:

Configuring the Utilization Lens

In the lens created from the Utilization dataset, add the following fields, columns, groups, filters and formulas:

To investigate any remaining discrepancies in the data displayed in your comparison lenses, see Troubleshooting Matching Utilization Calculations.