Utilization Results Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Output Fields

The Utilization Analytics (Embedded) dataset stores fields associated with the Utilization Results object in PSA and its related records as well as other associated objects. The fields are:

Utilization Analytics (Embedded) Fields

Field Type

Field Label

Field API Name


Measures Billable Assignment Hours ValueBillableAssignmentHours This is the value of the Billable Assignment Hours field on the Utilization Result object.
Billable Timecard Hours ValueBillableTimecardHours This is the value of the Billable Timecard Hours field on the Utilization Result object.
Calendar Hours ValueCalendarHours This is the value of the Calendar Hours field on the Utilization Result object.
Credited Assignment Hours ValueCreditedAssignmentHours This is the value of the Credited Assignment Hours field on the Utilization Result object.
Credited Timecard Hours ValueCreditedTimecardHours This is the value of the Credited Timecard Hours field on the Utilization Result object.
Held Resource Request Hours ValueHeldResourceRequestHours This is the value of the Held Resource Request Hours field on the Utilization Result object.
Non-Billable Assignment Hours ValueNonBillableAssignmentHours This is the value of the Non-Billable Assignment Hours field on the Utilization Result object.
Non-Billable Timecard Hours ValueNonBillableTimecardHours This is the value of the Non-Billable Timecard Hours field on the Utilization Result object.
Standard Work Calendar Hours ValueStandardWorkCalendarHours This is the value of the Standard Work Calendar Hours for the Utilization Result object's region.
Time Excluded Assignment Hours ValueTimeExcludedAssignmentHours This is the value of the Time Excluded Assignment Hours field on the Utilization Result object.
Time Excluded Timecard Hours ValueTimeExcludedTimecardHours This is the value of the Time Excluded Timecard Hours field on the Utilization Result object.
Unheld Resource Request Hours ValueUnheldResourceRequestHours This is the value of the Unheld Resource Request Hours field on the Utilization Result object.
Utilization Excluded Assignment Hours ValueUtilizationExcludedAssignmentHours This is the value of the Utilization Excluded Assignment Hours field on the Utilization Result object.
Utilization Excluded Held RR Hours ValueUtilizationExcludedHeldRRHours This is the value of the Utilization Excluded Held RR Hours field on the Utilization Result object.
Utilization Excluded Timecard Hours ValueUtilizationExcludedTimecardHours This is the value of the Utilization Excluded Timecard Hours field on the Utilization Result object.
Utilization Excluded Unheld RR Hours ValueUtilizationExcludedUnheldRRHours This is the value of the Utilization Excluded Unheld RR Hours field on the Utilization Result object.
Utilization Target Hours ValueUtilizationTargetHours This is the value of the Utilization Target Hours field on the Utilization Result object.
Utilization Target (%) ValueUtilizationTargetPercent This is the value of the Utilization Target field on the Utilization Result object.
Date Date Date The calendar date associated with this utilization result.
Time Period Month TimePeriodMonth The time period defined as type month. This is derived from the Time Period object.
Time Period Quarter TimePeriodQuarter The time period defined as type quarter. This is derived from the Time Period object.
Time Period Week TimePeriodWeek The time period defined as type week. This is derived from the Time Period object.
Time Period Week End Date TimePeriodWeekEndDate The end date of time period defined as type week. This is derived from the Time Period object.
Time Period Week Start Date TimePeriodWeekStartDate The start date of the time period defined as type week. This is derived from the Time Period object.
Time Period Year TimePeriodYear The time period defined as type year. This is derived from the Time Period object.
Dimensions Group ID GroupId The group that is associated with this utilization result on the specified date. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Group Level XX GroupNameXX The RPG level of the group associated with this utilization result, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the group associated with this utilization result.
Practice ID PracticeId The practice that is associated with this utilization result on the specified date. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Practice Level XX PracticeNameXX The RPG level of the practice associated with this utilization result, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the practice associated with this utilization result.
Region ID RegionId The region that is associated with this utilization result on the specified date. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Region Level XX RegionNameXX

The RPG level of the region associated with this utilization result, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the region associated with this utilization result.

Resource External ResourceExternal Indicates whether this is a PSA external resource. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Resource ID ResourceId The ID of the contact record associated with this utilization result.
Resource Name ResourceName The name related to the contact. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Resource Role ResourceRole This is the value of the Resource Role field on the Utilization Result object.
Resource Skills / Certifications Resource.Skill.SkillName The skills or certifications associated with the resource.
Note: Duplicate hours might be displayed for skill or certification records if you use this field in a lens. For example, if you group using this field in a lens, in conjunction with Resource Name, and Resource Skills groupings, then hours displayed under your Sum of Calendar Hours column are duplicated for each skill or certification row.
Salesforce Resource User Photo URL ResourceSalesforceUserPhotoUrl The URL of the Salesforce User contact photo.