Synchronizing Jira Issues to PSA Project Tasks
If you enabled the Sync Jira Issues to PSA Project Tasks field, eligible Jira issues are automatically synchronized to PSA project tasks. For a Jira issue to be eligible for syncing to PSA, the following must be true:
- The Jira issue must be of a predefined issue type.
- The Jira issue must be created for a Jira project that is correlated to a PSA project. If you are mapping PSA projects to Jira issues, the issue must be a child issue of the correlated issue. For more information, see Synchronizing PSA Projects to Jira Issues.
- The Salesforce user Automated Process must have a permission control that allows it to create Timecard Headers under and synced PSA Project.
When you create an issue in Jira, the integration creates a project task in PSA with the information listed below. Similarly, when you edit an eligible issue in Jira, the connector automatically updates the related project task in PSA.
Jira Issue Field | PSA Project Task Field |
Description | Long Description |
Key | Jira Correlation ID |
Original Estimate | Estimated Hours |
Priority | Priority |
Status | Status |
Summary | Description |
Summary | Project Task Name |
Type | Jira Issue Type |
Type of Issue Type (not visible in the Jira UI) | Jira Issue Type Category |
In PSA, the project task is linked to the relevant project.
- If you are mapping PSA projects to Jira projects, the project task is linked to the PSA project correlated to the Jira project the issue was created in.
- If you are mapping PSA projects to Jira issues, the project task is linked to the PSA project correlated to the parent Jira issue of a predefined type. For example, you can link a PSA project to an epic in Jira and define that issues of the type Story are eligible for syncing to PSA as project tasks. When you create a story for the epic, a project task is created in PSA and linked to the PSA project that is correlated to the epic.
When you delete an issue from Jira that was already synced to a PSA project task, the project task is automatically deleted. This only applies if the project task can be deleted from PSA.
If an error occurs when syncing issues to project tasks, an email notification is sent to the PSA resource linked to the Jira user who created the issue. If the Email field for the resource is blank in PSA, the notification is sent to the user specified on the PSA Direct for Jira Settings tab.
When an error occurs, a Foundations message is also created with the publisher name PSA Direct for Jira/Error. For more information, see Viewing PSA Direct for Jira Error Messages .
Updating PSA Projects Based on Jira Issue Status
If you enabled the Update PSA Project based on Jira Issue field on the PSA Direct for Jira Settings tab, PSA projects are automatically updated based on the status of the linked Jira issue. When a Jira issue is moved to a status that belongs to a specific category, a specified PSA project field is automatically updated with a specified value.
Each status in Jira has one of the following categories: "To Do", "In Progress", or "Done".
By default, when an issue is moved to any status with the category of "Done", the related project is set to Completed in PSA, and the Closed for Time Entry checkbox on the PSA project is ticked.
Depending on your requirements, this feature can have different results. Some examples include:
- If a custom issue type called Phase is moved to "Completed", the Stage field in PSA is set to "Completed".
- If a custom issue type called PSA Project is moved to "Closed", the Project Status field in PSA is set to "Green".
For more information on how to configure this feature, see Configuring the PSA Direct for Jira Settings.