About Recognition Schedules

Recognition schedules provide forward-looking data, letting you see how much revenue or cost will be recognized over the lifetime of a source record. You can generate recognition schedules as soon as a source record is created. This means that you have information about your company's future revenue position without needing to run forecasting or the recognition process.

For example, you might create a source record with a value of 12000 that spans 12 months and uses an Equal Split (Months) template. Generating recognition schedules for this source record will result in a recognition schedule with 12 recognition schedule lines: one line per period for the value of 1000. You can use this recognition schedule data in a tool such as Business Analytics to build custom reports giving you a forward-looking view of your company's financial position.

For information about how to set up Revenue Management for recognition schedules, see Additional Setup for Generating Recognition Schedules.

When the setup is complete, you can generate recognition schedules in the following ways:

For information about the permissions required to generate and recognize recognition schedules, and important information about sharing, see Permissions and Sharing when Working with Recognition Schedules.


Do not create custom lookups to recognition schedules or recognition schedule lines because doing so might cause issues if they are deleted.

Recognition Schedules and Template Types

If you generate recognition schedules using an "Equal Split" recognition template with the "445" calculation type, Revenue Management switches it to the "Days" calculation type at run time. The resulting recognition schedules show the recognition method as "Equal Split Days in Period" but the scheduled periods are still calculated on a 445 basis.

If you use "Equal Split" recognition templates with the calculation types "Months" or "Days", be aware that amounts shown in the resulting recognition schedules might differ slightly from amounts that would be calculated when recognizing revenue or cost against source records (sometimes known as ActualsClosed Refers to the original revenue recognition process where staging data is generated for source records. The Recognize Revenue page and Recognize All use this process.). This is because if recognition years and periods are set up they are used when generating recognition schedules, but the Gregorian calendar is always used when recognizing revenue or cost against source records. For more information, see About Recognition Years and Periods.


You cannot create recognition schedules for source records that have a "Use in Revenue Contract" recognition templateClosed A recognition template that has the Use in Revenue Contract checkbox enabled..

Only recognition templates with a revenue basis of Total Revenue, or a cost basis of Total Cost, are valid for generating recognition schedules.