Populating the Company Picklist Values

The Company (SCMFFA__Company_Name__c) picklist fields are empty on the following objects Sales Order, Purchase Order, Service Contract and Account when the SCM Accounting Connector is installed.

You must populate the Company picklists with the company names that exist in Accounting.

The following procedure to populate the sales order object picklist is valid for the purchase order, service contract and account object picklists.

To populate the Sales Order company picklist:

  1. Open a sales order.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Expand the quick access menu.
  4. Select View Fields.
  5. Select the Company custom field.
  6. In the Picklist Values area click New.
  7. Click the Companies tab.
  8. Copy each of the company names from the Recent Companies list and paste them into the text area on the Add Picklist Values page.
  9. Check the appropriate boxes to add the new picklist values to the required record types.
  10. Click Save.

Repeat this procedure for the Purchase Order, Service Contract, and Account objects.