Creating a Change Request

To create a new change request:

  1. Click Create Change Request on an active service contract that you want to update.
  2. [Optional] Edit these fields if required:
    • Service Term
    • Contract Term
    • Take Effect On
    • Billing Address:

    For information about these fields, see Change Request Fields


    Depending on the configuration options your administrator has chosen, you can create a change request on a service contract when there are one or more open change requests for that service contract.

    If a change request line already exists for a service contract line on a different change request, you must cancel that change request or incorporate it into the contract or cancel it before you can create a new change request line for that service contract line.

  3. Add change request lines for the service contract lines you want to edit. See Change Request Lines
  4. Add change request lines for new service contract lines that you want to add to the service contract. See Change Request Lines.

Change Request Lines

The change request line section of a change request allows you to edit an existing line on a service contract or create a new one.

When you make changes to these lines, the 'Delta' fields update to show the changes to be applied to the service contract. The 'Current' fields remain unchanged .

Adding Change Request Lines

To add a change request line to change an existing service contract line:

  1. Click Add Service Contract Lines in the Change Request Lines section of a change request.
  2. Select the checkbox of the service contract lines that you want to add.

    If the service contract line already exists on an open change request, you cannot add it to this change request.

  3. Click Add Service Contract Lines.

Canceling Lines

You can cancel a service contract line from its corresponding change request line:

  1. Select the checkbox of the line you want to cancel
  2. Click Cancel Lines.

Notice that the Change Method for that line shows Cancel.

If you previously canceled a line and want to undo that action , select the checkbox of that line and click Uncancel Lines.

Editing Lines

To edit the fields on the lines:

  1. Click Edit Lines, make the changes you want.
  2. Click Save Changes.

Deleting Change Request Lines

To delete change request lines:

  1. Select the lines you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete Change Request Lines.