Removing Accelerate Build Integration Fields

The Accelerate Build Integration adds fields to PSA and Accounting objects. After you disable the message types using the Feature Console, these fields are no longer used. However, many of the fields have the same labels as SRP. This might make it difficult for your users to differentiate between the two. We recommend that you remove these fields from all pages layouts, field sets, and permission sets to avoid confusion.

For more information about how to edit page layouts, field sets, and permission sets, see the Salesforce Help.

For more information about the fields that SRP adds to the same objects, see Fields, Actions, and Buttons.


Depending on when you were onboarded, some fields might not be available in your org.

Accelerate Build Integration Fields
Object Field Label Field API Name
Billing Event FDN Errors (SCN) msg_link_BESCN_errors__c
FDN Errors (SIN)  msg_link_BESIN_errors__c
FDN State (SCN)  msg_link_BESCN_state__c
FDN State (SIN)  msg_link_BESIN_state__c
Sales Credit Note  msg_link_BESCN_id__c
Sales Invoice  msg_link_BESIN_id__c
Billing Event Item Dimension 1 (Region) FFX_PSA_Dimension_1_Region__c
Dimension 2 (Practice) FFX_PSA_Dimension_2_Practice__c
Dimension 3 (Group) FFX_PSA_Dimension_3_Group__c
Dimension 4 (Project) FFX_PSA_Dimension_4_Project__c
Dimension 1 Region FFX_Region__c
Dimension 2 Practice FFX_Practice__c
Dimension 3 Group FFX_Group__c
Dimension 4 Project FFX_Project__c
Expense Report FDN Errors (PCN) msg_link_EXRPCN_errors__c
FDN Errors (PIN) msg_link_EXRPIN_errors__c
FDN State (PCN) msg_link_EXRPCN_state__c
FDN State (PIN) msg_link_EXRPIN_state__c
Payable Credit Note msg_link_EXRPCN_id__c
Payable Invoice msg_link_EXRPIN_id__c
Group Dim3 msg_link_PSAD3_id__c
FDN Errors msg_link_PSAD3_errors__c
FDN Group Reporting Code FFX_ERP_Group_Reporting_Code__c
FDN GroupName FFX_ERP_Group_Name__c
FDN State msg_link_PSAD3_state__c
Reporting Code FFX_Reporting_Code__c
Journal Line Item Miscellaneous Adjustment link_JNLMA_Id__c
Miscellaneous Adjustment Errors link_JNLMA_Errors__c
Miscellaneous Adjustment Status link_JNLMA_State__c
Miscellaneous Adjustment Bill Payable Credit Note Expense Line link_PCNELMARecharge_Id__c
Bill Payable Invoice Expense Line Item link_PINMARecharge_Id__c
Cost Payable Credit Note Expense Line link_PCNELMA_Id__c
Cost Payable Invoice Expense Line Item link_PINELMA_Id__c
Journal Line Item link_JNLMA_Id__c
Payable Credit Note Vendor Invoice link_VIPCN_Id__c
Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item Cost Miscellaneous Adjustment link_PCNELMA_Id__c
Cost Miscellaneous Adjustment Errors link_PCNELMA_Errors__c
Cost Miscellaneous Adjustment Status link_PCNELMA_State__c 
Recharge Misc Adjustment Description FFX_Recharge_MiscAdjustment_Description__c
Recharge Misc Adjustment Name FFX_Recharge_MiscAdjustment_Name__c
Recharge Miscellaneous Adjustment link_PCNELMARecharge_Id__c
Recharge Miscellaneous Adjustment Errors link_PCNELMARecharge_Errors__c
Recharge Miscellaneous Adjustment Status link_PCNELMARecharge_State__c
Recharge to Customer FFX_Recharge_to_Customer__c
Send To PSA FFX_Send_To_PSA__c
Vendor Invoice Item link_VIPCN_Id__c
Payable Invoice Vendor Invoice link_VIPIN_Id__c
Payable Invoice Expense Line Item Miscellaneous Adjustment link_PINELMA_Id__c
Miscellaneous Adjustment Errors link_PINELMA_Errors__c
Miscellaneous Adjustment Status link_PINELMA_State__c
Recharge Misc Adjustment Description FFX_Recharge_MiscAdjustment_Description__c
Recharge Misc Adjustment Name FFX_Recharge_MiscAdjustment_Name__c
Recharge Miscellaneous Adjustment link_PINMARecharge_Id__c
Recharge Miscellaneous Adjustment Errors link_PINMARecharge_Errors__c
Recharge Miscellaneous Adjustment Status link_PINMARecharge_State__c
Recharge to Customer FFX_Recharge_to_Customer__c
Send to PSA FFX_Send_to_PSA__c
Vendor Invoice Item link_VIPIN_Id__c
Practice Dim2 msg_link_PSAD2_id__c
FDN Errors msg_link_PSAD2_errors__c
FDN Practice Reporting Code FFX_ERP_Practice_Reporting_Code__c
FDN PracticeName FFX_ERP_Practice_Name__c
FDN State msg_link_PSAD2_state__c
Reporting Code FFX_Reporting_Code__c
Project Dim4 msg_link_PSAD4_id__c
FDN Errors msg_link_PSAD4_errors__c
FDN State msg_link_PSAD4_state__c
Region Dim1 msg_link_PSAD1_id__c
FDN Errors msg_link_PSAD1_errors__c
FDN Region Name FFX_ERP_Region_Name__c
FDN Region Reporting Code FFX_ERP_Region_Reporting_Code__c
FDN State msg_link_PSAD1_state__c
Reporting Code FFX_Reporting_Code__c
Sales Credit Note Line Items From PSA Milestone ? FFX_From_PSA_Milestone__c
Sales Invoice Line Items From PSA Milestone ? FFX_From_PSA_Milestone__c
Vendor Invoice Payable Credit Note link_VIPCN_Id__c
Payable Credit Note Errors link_VIPCN_Errors__c
Payable Credit Note Status link_VIPCN_State__c
Payable Invoice link_VIPIN_Id__c
Payable Invoice Errors link_VIPIN_Errors__c
Payable Invoice Status link_VIPIN_State__c
Vendor Invoice Item Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item link_VIPCN_Id__c
Payable Invoice Expense Line Item link_VIPIN_Id__c
Payable Invoice Expense Line Item Errors link_VIPIN_Errors__c
Payable Invoice Expense Line Item Status link_VIPIN_State__c
PCN Expense Line Errors link_VIPCN_Errors__c
PCN Expense Line Status link_VIPCN_State__c