Chart of Accounts Mappings Fields

Here is a description of the elements on the Chart of Accounts Mappings page. You can navigate to this page from the Chart of Accounts Mappings tab, or from a chart of accounts mappings related list on a GLA.


Button Description
Back If you have navigated to this page from a chart of accounts mappings related list on a GLA, this button returns you to the GLA's detail page.
Saves the current mappings.
Export Mappings
Exports the current mappings to a separate file. The supported file formats are Microsoft Excel, Adobe PDF and CSV.
Opens the related Accounting Help topic.
Maximizes or restores the page in your browser window.

Map Corporate GLAs

This section lists corporate GLAs that are available for mapping. A corporate GLA can be mapped to a different local GLA in each active chart of accounts structure. The corporate chart of accounts structure must be active for corporate GLAs to be available for mapping.

Field Description
Search box Search the list for particular corporate GLAs by entering search text in this box. The results are filtered so that only rows matching the search text are displayed. The matching text is highlighted on each row. Clear the search text to display all GLAs retrieved in the list. Note that only data displayed in the grid is matched against the search text.
Radio Button Select the GLA for mapping to a local GLA. If the required local GLA is already selected the mapping is created immediately.
Name The GLA name.
Type The GLA type: Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, or Retained Earnings.
Reporting Code The GLA's reporting code.

When Dimension

You can select up to four analysis dimension types and their values.

To Local GLAs

This section lists local GLAs that are available for mapping. A local GLA can only be mapped to one corporate GLA. A local chart of accounts structure must be active for its GLAs to be available for mapping.

Field Description
Search box Search the list for particular local GLAs by entering search text in this box. The results are filtered so that only rows matching the search text are displayed. The matching text is highlighted on each row. Clear the search text to display all GLAs retrieved in the list. Note that only data displayed in the grid is matched against the search text.
Radio Button Select the GLA for mapping to a corporate GLA. If the required corporate GLA is already selected the mapping is created immediately.
Name The GLA name.
Chart of Accounts Structure The chart of accounts structure that the GLA belongs to.
Type The GLA type: Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, or Retained Earnings.
Reporting Code The GLA's reporting code.


This section lists the mappings that have been created.

Field Description

Deletes this mapping.

Note: You must click Save to confirm deletion.
Enables editing of dimension type and dimension value.
Indicates a conflict between GLAs.
Corporate GLA The corporate GLA involved in the mapping.
Chart of Accounts Structure The chart of accounts structure for the local GLA involved in the mapping.
Local GLA The local GLA involved in the mapping.
Dimension Analysis dimension selectable from picklist.

GLA Details

Field Description
GLA Details Shows the Name, Reporting Code, and Type for the corporate and local GLAs involved in the mapping currently highlighted in the Mappings section.
History Shows when the mapping was created, and the changes that have happened to dimension types and dimension values.
Corporate Conflicts Lists mappings where a conflict is found based on the corporate GLA.
Local Conflicts Lists mappings where a conflict is found based on the local GLA.