Invoice Filter Criteria Fields

The following fields are available on the Invoice Filter Criteria object.

Key - * – Mandatory field. R – Read-only

Invoice Filter Criteria Fields




Field API Name *

API name of the field used for filtering. Note that the field must exist on the specified object or its related object.

To filter by a related object's field, enter the API name of the lookup object followed by a dot and the API name of the field. For example, to filter by account name, enter fferpcore__Account__r.Name.

Invoice Consolidation Rule R The name of the consolidation rule that invoice filter criteria are associated with. This field is automatically populated by the system and cannot be edited.
Value *

Value that the specified field must have to be included by the filter. This field is not case-sensitive.

If you want to filter on a date, you must enter it in the format MM/DD/YYYY.

If you want to filter by a checkbox field, you must enter "true" or "false".