Creating Accounting Playbook Templates

You can create accounting playbook templates to generate the accounting playbooks from the templates.

  • To create and edit accounting playbook templates, you must have the Accounting - Playbook permission set assigned. For more information, contact your administrator.
  • In the Summer 2023 release, you can create only period end playbook type of accounting playbook or accounting playbook templates. The other types will be introduced in the future releases.

To create an accounting playbook template:

  1. From the App Launcher, navigate to Accounting Playbook Templates.
  2. Click New. The New Accounting Playbook Template window displays.
  3. In the Name field, enter the name for the template.
  4. [Optional] Enter the description for the template.
  5. Enter the number of days in the Calculate Start Date and the Calculate Due Date fields. These values calculate the start and due dates for the accounting playbooks generated from the template. The value in these fields is relative to a particular date, such as a period end date.
  6. [Optional] Specify the playbook owner. The playbook owner must have the Accounting - Playbook permission set assigned.
  7. Click Save. This creates the accounting playbook template.
  • The following rules apply when entering values in the Calculate Start Date and the Calculate Due Date fields:

    • If you want the calculated dates to be after a particular date, such as a period end date, enter a positive integer.
    • If you want the calculated dates to be before a particular date, enter a negative integer.
  • The name of the accounting playbook template must be unique.
  • The value in the Calculate Due Date field must always be greater than the value in the Calculate Start Date field.
  • You can view the related accounting playbook task templates and accounting playbook template history in the Related tab.

Example for Calculating Start Date and Due Date of the Playbook

In this example, a period end playbook is generated from an accounting playbook template. To calculate the start date and the due date of a period end playbook, the number of days are counted from the period end date. The period end date is March 31, 2023. Here the period end date is day zero.

The value in the Calculate Start Date field is 2 . The calculated start date for the period end playbook generated from this template is April 2, 2023.

Similarly, the value in the Calculate Due Date field is 3, the calculated due date is April 3, 2023.

The value in the Calculate Start Date field is -2, the calculated start date is March 29, 2023.

The value in the Calculate Due Date field is -1, the calculated due date is March 30, 2023.