Outbound Vendor Payments Field Mapping

Payments Plus Payment to Asperato Payment Field Mapping

When a user creates a new Asperato payment in Payments Plus, Asperato creates a new outbound payment record based on the information stored in:

  • The Authorisation object fields in Asperato ONE.
  • The Payment Media Summary fields in Accounting.
  • The Payment fields in Accounting.

The mapping process is automatic. You do not need to run it manually.

Asperato Payment Record Creation Field Mapping
Asperato Accounting
Payment Object Field Authorisation Object Field Payment Field Payment Media Summary Field
asp04__Account_Name__c asp04__Account_Name__c

asp04__Account_Reference__c asp04__Account_Reference__c
asp04__Account_Routing_Value__c asp04__Account_Routing_Value__c
asp04__Account_Routing_Value_2__c asp04__Account_Routing_Value_2__c
asp04__Amount__c -1 * c2g__TransactionValue__c
asp04__Authorisation__c Id


asp04__Bank_IBAN_Number__c asp04__Bank_IBAN_Number__c
asp04__Bank_Name__c asp04__Bank_Name__c
asp04__Bank_Swift_Code__c asp04__Bank_Swift_Code__c
asp04__Billing_Address_City__c asp04__Billing_Address_City__c

asp04__Billing_Address_Country__c asp04__Billing_Address_Country__c

asp04__Billing_Address_PostalCode__c asp04__Billing_Address_PostalCode__c

asp04__Billing_Address_State__c asp04__Billing_Address_State__c

asp04__Billing_Address_Street__c asp04__Billing_Address_Street__c

asp04__Company_Name__c asp04__Company_Name__c


asp04__Email__c asp04__Email__c

asp04__First_Name__c asp04__First_Name__c

asp04__Last_Name__c asp04__Last_Name__c

asp04__Merchant_Group_Picklist__c asp04__Merchant_Group_Picklist__c

asp04__Payment_Route_Options__c c2g__PaymentDestination__c

asp04__Payment_Route_Selected__c c2g__PaymentDestination__c

asp04__Source_Currency__c c2g__PaymentCurrency__r.Name
codaPaymentLineItem__c Id
CurrencyIsoCode c2g__PaymentCurrency__r.Name

Vendor Authorization Field Mapping

The vendor account authorization involves mapping the payment fields between the Account object in Accounting and the Authorisation object in Asperato ONE. This table shows the field mapping between those objects.

Key: * – Mandatory field; A - Populated automatically by Asperato; B - Mandatory field for BPAY authorizations for AUD payments

Vendor Authorization Field Mapping
Authorisation Object Field Name


Account Object Field Name

Account Lookup


Account Name

Account Name


Bank Account Name

Account Reference


Bank Account Number

Account Routing Value


Bank Sort Code

Account Routing Value 2

B Bank Account Reference

Asperato Repeat Token


Authorisation Number


Bank Country


Bank Country

Bank IBAN Number


Bank IBAN Number

Bank Name


Bank Name

Bank Swift Code


Bank SWIFT Number

Batch Identifier


Billing Address City


Billing City

Billing Address Country


Billing Country

Billing Address PostalCode


Billing Postal Code 

Billing Address State


Billing State 

Billing Address Street


Billing Street 

Card Type


Company Name


Account Name



Account Trading Currency

First Name


Is Domestic


Is International


Is Outbound Payment Bank Details


Last Name


Local Clearing System


Based on the payment country or region and on the payment currency.

Merchant Group


Based on the Accounting Company Name.

Payment Service Provider Repeat Token


Record Type




Status Description
