Creating Products

In Billing Central you create plans and contracts that contain lines which are based on Salesforce products. Billing Central adds the Billing Type field to the Salesforce Product object to enable you to choose the way in which a product is billed. Before you can create a plan or a contract in Billing Central, at least one product must exist in your Salesforce OrgClosed Salesforce organization.

To create a product:

  1. Click New in the Salesforce Product tab.
  2. In the Billing Type field, select way in which a bill is to be generated. Choose from:
    • Recurring Fixed – a fixed fee is billed at a regular interval.
    • Recurring Variable – a fee is billed at a regular interval based on the quantity and usage data associated with the contract line item.
    • One-off – a fee is billed once.
  3. Complete the fields as described in the Salesforce Help.
  4. Click Save.