Tax Code Fields

The Tax Code and Tax Rate objects are core components of Foundations. Other Certinia applications use this object and add fields, buttons and functionality to it.

Here is a description of the fields that are part of Foundations.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only. The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field     Description
Tax Code Name *   The name of the tax code.
Description     A description of the tax code.

Tax Rate

Field     Description
Rate * 4.3 The tax rate to be applied. Default value is 0.000.
Start Date *   The date from which the tax rate is to be applied.
Tax Code *   Tax code to which this tax rate belongs.
Tax Rate Name R   Unique number of the tax rate.

Applications That Add Fields to the Tax Code Object

Other Certinia applications add fields to the Foundations Tax Code object. For more information about how other Certinia applications use this object, follow the link.


Further Information

Accounting  Tax Code and Rate Fields.