Skill Set Fields

Details Fields

The skill set record includes the following fields.

Key: * – Mandatory field

R – Read-only




Created By R Name of the user who created the skill set and the date and time that the skill set was created.

Brief description of the skill set.

Last Modified By R Name of the user that last modified the skill set and the date and time that it was modified.
Name * Name of the skill set.
Owner R Name of the user that owns the skill set.
Resource Roles   Resource roles associated with the skill set. The Resource Role global picklist value set contains the options available from this picklist field.

Related Fields

Skill Set Skills

The following fields are available:

Key: R – Read-only




Description R

Description of the skill or certification.

Skill/Certification Name   Name of the skill or certification. For example, Java or Project Management.
Unique Name R Unique name assigned to the skill or certification.