PSA Experience Cloud Site Visualforce Pages

The following Visualforce pages have been enabled for use with your PSA Experience Cloud site. For more information, search for "Visualforce Components" in the Salesforce Help.

Feature Area

Visualforce Page Description
Assignment SelfAssignment Self assignment page that enables resources to assign themselves to a project and choose the work pattern they will do.
Billing and Invoicing BillingEvents Billing event generation page to create billing events.
BillingEventsInvoice Invoice billing events page that enables you to update the billing event records with the invoice date and invoice number.
BillingEventsRecalcEventDetail Recalculates the selected billing event.
BillingEventsReleaseEventDetail Releases the selected billing event.
BillingEventsSchedule Schedules Generate Billing Events for a given time.
VendorInvoiceHelp Opens Vendor Invoices overview in the PSA Help.
VendorInvoiceItemHelp Opens Vendor Invoices overview in the PSA Help.
VendorInvoiceWizard Add Invoice Items page.
VendorInvoiceWizardConfirm Enables you to search for un-invoiced items that have been approved for vendor payment.
Expenses EditExpenseReportForward Used to post groups of expenses against projects.
ExpenseEntry Page that enables you to enter multiple expenses for multiple projects.
ManageERToApprove Manage Expense Reports To Approve page that is used by project managers.
Gantt GanttHelp Opens a PSA Help page that gives an overview of Gantt.
GanttPrintHelp Opens a PSA Help page that explains how to print Gantt charts.
Mobile Expenses MobileExpenses Mobile Expenses in the Salesforce app.
MobileSubmitMultiExpenses The Submit button used in Mobile Expenses in the Salesforce app.
Project Task Gantt ProjectTaskGantt Opens the project in Project Task Gantt.
ProjectTaskGanttFrame Blank page.
ProjectTaskGanttHelp Blank page.
ProjectTaskGanttRedirect Opens Project Task Gantt.
ProjectTaskHelp Opens the PSA Help page that gives an overview of Project Task Gantt.
Revenue Forecasting RF_ActionRunHelp Opens the Running Revenue Forecasts page in the PSA Help.
Skills Management SkillsAndCertifications Page that enables you to view a resource’s skills and certifications.
Time Entry PSATimecardEntry Page that enables you to use timecards to book time against projects.

These Visualforce pages have been enabled for use in your PSA Experience Cloud site. They enable actions to be performed by clicking a button.


Visualforce Page Button Location
Billing and Invoicing BillingEventsInvoiceDetail Billing Event object
BillingEventsReleaseBatch Billing Event Batch list view
BillingEventsReleaseEvent Billing Event list view
VendorInvoiceRecalc Vendor Invoice list view
Gantt Expense Entry Gantt Project object
Project Task Gantt ProjectTaskStart Project Task object
Resource Request ResourceRequest Edit button on an existing resource request
Revenue Forecasting RF_ProjectActionRun Project object
RF_OpportunityActionRun Opportunity object