Setting up Automatic Creation of Sales Documents from Billing Documents

You can configure the Billing Document to Sales Invoice or Credit Note integration to create a sales invoice or credit note automatically from a billing document when:

  • The billing document becomes eligible for creating a sales invoice or credit note and
  • A checkbox on the billing document that triggers the automatic creation is selected.

You must identify the billing document checkbox that will trigger the automatic creation in the Auto Create Invoice or Credit Field custom field in the Billing Document to Sales Invoice custom setting.

If you want to create invoices and credit notes as soon as billing documents are completed without additional criteria, you can specify the existing checkbox field Auto Create Sales Invoice or Credit Note. This checkbox field is selected automatically when the Document Status field is set to "Complete".

If you want billing documents to meet additional criteria before sales invoices and credit notes are created, there are two ways you can add a checkbox to be the trigger:

  • Create a custom checkbox field which gets selected automatically. For example, if you want to automatically create sales documents only from billing documents that were created from a billing contract, you can create a field with the following formula: ISPICKVAL(fferpcore__DocumentSource__c, 'Subscriptions').
  • Create a custom checkbox field which must be selected manually. For example, your business processes might require one role to approve a billing document and decide whether a sales document needs creating, and another role to complete the billing document.

Whichever option you choose, you must specify the API name of the checkbox field in the Auto Create Invoice or Credit Field custom setting field. For more information about the custom setting, see Billing Document to Sales Invoice Custom Setting Fields.

To enable the automatic creation of sales documents from billing documents:

  1. Decide which field on the Billing Document object you want to use to control the functionality. If required, create a custom checkbox or checkbox field.
  2. Enter the API name of the field on the Billing Document object in the Auto Create Invoice or Credit Field custom field in the Billing Document to Sales Invoice custom setting. For example, enter c2g__AutoCreateSalesDocument__c.

The field that you specify must be a checkbox.


If you want to use the Convert to Credit Note button you can go to Feature Console, select Billing Central in the Application field, click Exclude Fields on Convert to Credit Note and then click Launch. This will change the Status from "Not Done" to "Done". Also, you can add Auto Create Sales Invoice or Credit Note onto the current layout or you can contact your Administrator. This will then stop the new field from getting passed as False on the billing document credit note otherwise the information will be incorrect and you will get an error message.