Invoice Consolidation Rule Fields

The following fields are available on the Invoice Consolidation Rule object.

Key - * – Mandatory field. R - Read only

Invoice Consolidation Rule Fields




Invoice Consolidation Rule * Name of the consolidation rule.
Description   Description of the consolidation rule.
Process Run ID R Lookup to the last process run that this consolidation rule was used to create. This field is automatically updated when the consolidation process is run for this rule.

Related Lists

The following related lists are available on the Invoice Consolidation Rules object.

Invoice Filter Criteria

The following fields are available on the Invoice Filter Criteria object.

Key - * – Mandatory field. R – Read-only

Invoice Filter Criteria Fields




Field API Name *

API name of the field used for filtering. Note that the field must exist on the specified object or its related object.

To filter by a related object's field, enter the API name of the lookup object followed by a dot and the API name of the field. For example, to filter by account name, enter fferpcore__Account__r.Name.

Invoice Consolidation Rule R The name of the consolidation rule that invoice filter criteria are associated with. This field is automatically populated by the system and cannot be edited.
Value *

Value that the specified field must have to be included by the filter. This field is not case-sensitive.

If you want to filter on a date, you must enter it in the format MM/DD/YYYY.

If you want to filter by a checkbox field, you must enter "true" or "false".

Invoice Grouping Method

The following fields are available on the Invoice Grouping Method object.

Key - * – Mandatory field

Consolidation Grouping Field Fields




Consolidation Grouping Field * Name of the consolidation grouping field.
Description   Description of the consolidation grouping field.
Field API Name * API name of the sales invoice field used for grouping. This grouping field must exist on the Sales Invoice object.