Enabling the Currency Exchange Gains and Losses Feature
ERP Cloud
In some countries, it is a legal requirement to differentiate between currency exchange gains and losses by using different general ledger accounts for each. If your country has this requirement, you can use this functionality.
This functionality can be used with either a corporate or local chart of accounts structure.
For each automatic step, click Perform. When the step has completed, the Status changes from “Not Done” to “Done”.
When you have completed all the steps, use the Status slider in the Feature section to enable the feature.
Manually Update COMB, GST, and SUT Company Layouts
These steps are only need when adding this functionality to the following page layouts:
- COMB Company Layout
- GST Company Layout
- SUT Company Layout
To update the page layout:
- From Setup, click Object Manager | Accounting Company | Page Layouts.
- Click the layout that you want to update.
- Drag Section from the Fields palette and drop it below the Accounts Receivable Analysis - Currency Write-Off section.
- In the Section Name, field enter Unrealized Gains/Losses Analysis.
- Set the layout and the tab-key order.
- Click OK.
- Drag the following fields from the palette to the Unrealized Gains/Losses Analysis section:
- Unrealized Gains/Losses GLA
- Unrealized Losses GLA
- Use unrealized Losses GLA
- Drag the following fields from the palette to the Accounts Receivable Analysis - Currency Write-Off section.
- Currency Write-Off Loss GLA
- Use Currency Write-Off Loss GLA
- Click Save.
For more information, see: