New. The New Payable Credit Note window displays.
In the Account field, specify the account for which you want to create the payable credit note.
In the Vendor Credit Note Number field, enter the credit note number shown on the vendor's credit note.
Make sure the dates in the Credit Note Date and Registered Date fields are correct. These fields show the current date by default.
[Optional] Complete any remaining fields. For details of other fields, see Payable Credit Note Fields. You can change the credit note currency up until the time that you add your
first expense or product line item.
Click Save.
Once you have created the payable credit note, the next step is to add one or more expense or product lines, as described in Payable Credit Note Line Items. When the credit note is ready to go, you can post it by clicking Post (or Post & Match). A posted credit note has a status of "Complete". For more information, see Posting Payable Credit Notes.
You can view all the details of a payable credit note in the Details tab. To see the credit note's related lists, click the Related tab. You can see all associated transactions by clicking the Transactions tab and also all associated notes and attachments in the Notes & Attachments tab. Use the Expense Lines and Product Lines tabs to add expense and product lines, respectively. For more information on how to add payable credit note lines, see Payable Credit Note Line Items.
We do not recommend changing a default value if it is applicable to the line item that you want to add or edit.
Click New next to Recent Payable Credit Notes on the home page.
Specify the vendor account for which you want to create a payable credit note. Click the lookup icon to search for an account.
Selected vendor details are displayed for reference.
Enter the header details in the Payable Credit Note Detail section.
See Payable Credit Note Fields for a description of the standard fields that make up a payable credit note. You can change the credit note currency up until the time that you add your
first expense or product line item. If you do, remember to click Apply to confirm the change.
Add one or more line items in the Expense Lines or Product Lines sections, as described in Payable Invoice Line Items.
Make sure that the Credit Note Total in the Summary section matches the Vendor Credit Note Total in the Payable Credit Note Detail section. If the credit note totals do not balance, you will not be able to save the payable credit note.
Click Save. A saved credit note has an initial status of "In Progress" and is allocated a credit note number.
When the payable credit note is ready, click Post (or Post & Match). A posted document has a status of "Complete". Instead of clicking Save and then Post separately, you can click Save & Post to perform both actions together.
New next to Recent Payable Credit Notes on the home page.
Specify the customer account for which you want to create a credit note. Click the lookup icon to search for an account.
If you want to copy the details from the selected account, leave the Copy Account Values checkbox selected. To provide custom account details, enter them. The fields are populated on save.
Enter the credit note number shown on the vendor's credit note.
Leave the remaining checkboxes on the page selected, and the corresponding fields blank, to automatically derive other information such as a due date and a currency. See Payable Credit Note Fields for a description of the standard fields that make up a payable credit note.
[Optional] Provide custom data for this credit note.
Click Save to save the document or Cancel to abort. A saved credit note has an initial status of "In Progress" and is allocated a credit note number.
If PSA – Accounting Connector is installed in your org, you can also create payable credit notes from AP voucher credits in Order and Inventory Management. For more information, see AP Voucher Credits to Payable Credit Notes.