Accounting Playbook Task Fields

The Accounting Playbook Task object includes the following fields.

Key * – Mandatory field



Accounting Playbook * The accounting playbook related to the accounting playbook task.
App Location 1 - 5   The link in this field opens an app or a record from where an action can be performed. For example, Automated Eliminations or Currency Revaluation Criteria pages. You can display App Location 1- 5. By default, App Location 1 and 2 are visible.
Assignee   The assigned user for the accounting playbook task.
Company   The company for the accounting playbook. This field is derived from the Company field of the selected accounting playbook.
Description   The description for the accounting playbook task.
Due Date * The due date for the accounting playbook task to be completed. This date must not be later than the related accounting playbook due date and earlier than the related accounting playbook start date.
Name * The name of the accounting playbook task. This name must not necessarily be unique.
Note 1 - 5   Displays the notes related to the accounting playbook task. You can display Note 1 to 5 fields. By default, Note 1 and 2 fields are displayed.
Overdue   Displays when the accounting playbook task due date is earlier than the current date.
Period   The period of the selected accounting playbook. This field is derived from the Period field of the selected accounting playbook.
Period End Date   The period end date of the company for the accounting playbook. This field is derived from the Period End Date field of the selected accounting playbook.
Playbook Owner   The owner of the accounting playbook who is responsible for ensuring that the tasks are completed by the assignees. This field is derived from the Playbook Owner field of the selected accounting playbook.
Report Location 1 - 10   The link in this field opens any report used to perform the task. For example, a report on outstanding value of sales invoices or an exported spreadsheet. You can display Report Location 1 to 10 fields. By default, Report Location 1 and 2 fields are displayed.

The status of the accounting playbook task. You can select the status for the task from the following options:

  • Not Started
  • In Progress
  • Blocked
  • Done
  • Approved


The following buttons appear on an Accounting Playbook Task page.

Button Description
Approve Approves the task in Done status and sets the Status field of the task to Approved.
Clone Makes a copy of the existing accounting playbook task.
Delete Deletes the accounting playbook task.
Edit Displays the fields to edit for the accounting playbook task.