Prepaid Expenses Schedule Definitions

ERP Cloud

Clicking the Prepaid Expenses Schedule Definition tab displays the prepaid expenses schedule definitions home page. More about the home page.

In the View section, select an appropriate list view from the drop-down list to go directly to that list page, or click Create New View to define your own custom list view. List views let you display a list of records that match specific criteria.

In the Recent section, select an item from the drop-down list to display a brief list of the top records matching that criteria. The choices are listed in the table.

Recent Choice Description
Recently Viewed The last 10 or 25 records you viewed, with the most recently viewed item listed first. This list is derived from your recent items and includes records owned by you and other users.
Recently Created The last 10 or 25 records you created, with the most recently created item listed first. This list only includes records owned by you.
Recently Modified The last 10 or 25 records you updated, with the most recently updated item listed first. This list only includes records owned by you.

About Prepaid Expenses

Prepaid expenses allows you to schedule recurring payments for certain items. For example, you may be billed for insurance annually, but spread the payment over 12 months. You can choose which line items are prepaid expenses when you create your payable invoices.