Inbound Customer Payments Field Reference

ERP Cloud

Here are the custom fields and buttons that are installed by the Asperato Connector package. These fields and buttons must be added to the appropriate page layouts described in Customizing Page Layouts for Inbound Customer Payments.


Some of these fields may not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.




Account Payment Details Account Lookup to the Account associated with the Account Payment Details record.
Account Payment Details Name Auto-generated number for the Account Payment Details record.
Document Currency Stores the currency of the sales invoices that the payment is associated with.
Document Numbers List of sales invoices that are included in the payment.
Document Type

Stores the document type, which is sales invoice.

Payment Lookup to the latest related payment record.
Payment Amount Stores the total payment amount for a payment associated with multiple sales invoices.
Payment Currency Stores the payment currency. The payment currency is always the same as the currency of the sales invoices being paid.
Payment Link Link to make the payment using Asperato. This enables payment details to be received over the telephone and entered on the customer’s behalf.
Payment Link URL Displays the Payment URL. You can send this link to the customer so they can launch the payment console and enter their payment details.
Bank Account Asperato Customer ID The Asperato customer ID for the payment service used to process customer receipts. If blank, the customer ID in Asperato ONE Settings is used.
Asperato Merchant Group The name of the Asperato merchant group through which the payment is processed.

Billing Document/
Sales Invoice

Bank Account The bank account into which payments for this sales invoice or billing document are deposited.
Make a Payment

Displays the Pay Now button image or alternative text. If your administrator has added the Pay Now button to the Sales Invoice or Billing Document community page layout then your customer can click the link to launch the Asperato payment console.

Note: The Pay Now button is only displayed if the following conditions apply:
  • The status of the sales invoice or billing document is “Complete”.
  • The sales invoice or billing document has not been paid already.
  • The sales invoice or billing document is not associated with a payment that has an authorization in place.

If these conditions do not apply, the Make a Payment field displays the message “Not Applicable” instead of the Pay Now button image.

Payment The latest related payment.
Payment Link Link to make the payment using Asperato. This enables payment details to be received over the telephone and entered on the customer’s behalf. If your administrator has added the Payment Link field to your Sales Invoice or Billing Document page layout, then you can click the link to launch the Asperato payment console.
Payment Link URL Displays the Payment URL. If your administrator has added this field to your sales invoice or billing document email template then your customer can click the link to launch the payment console and enter their payment details.
Cash Entry Asperato Refund Lookup to the Asperato refund associated with the cash entry record.
Payment Billing Document The related billing document.
Document Numbers Stores the sales invoices associated with a single payment for multiple invoices.
Sales Invoice The related sales invoice.
Payment Integration Method Account The related account.
Default Payment Authorisation The default payment authorization associated with the account.
Provider The payment provider used to process payments for the account.
Receivables Bank Account The default bank account for payments received from the account.
Payment Worker Asperato Refund Lookup to the Asperato refund associated with the payment worker record.
Billing Document The related billing document.
Error Log Stores error logs from the cash entry and cash matching process.
Is Multiple Document Indicates that the record is associated with multiple sales invoices.
Payment The related payment record.
Payment Amount Stores the total payment amount for a payment related to multiple sales invoices.
Payment Worker Name Unique auto-number field in the format PW{auto-number}. The auto-number is set with the prefix PW and starts at {000000}.
Sales Invoice The related sales invoice.

Field Sets

Field Set


Used on Page

Default Fields

Multiple Invoice Payment Preview Columns Allows you to define the columns that display in the Multiple Invoice Payment section of the Account Payment page.

Account Payment Details

Document Number; Document Currency; Document Outstanding Value; Document Date; Due Date, Company Name





Billing Document/ Sales Invoice

Create Payment

Creates a payment record for a sales invoice or billing document.

Payment Worker

Process Payment

Processes the payment worker. You can confirm your decision to process the payment worker by clicking Cancel or Continue.




Create Payment

Back to Invoice

Returns you to the sales invoice or billing document without creating a payment if it is already paid.


Returns you to the sales invoice or billing document without creating a payment.

Create Payment Creates the payment.

View Payment

View details of the payment.