New Features and Enhancements in Extended Planning and Analysis February 2024

The following new features have been introduced in the February 2024 release of Extended Planning and Analysis.

If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading to Extended Planning and Analysis February 2024. This provides a summary of the items that have been added for each feature and details of any required upgrade steps.

Simplified the Data Source Setup

We have improved the process of configuring data source connections with Analytics to speed up and simplify the configuration of data sources required to create plans.

For more information, see:

Formula Builder Enhancements

We have made the following enhancements to the Formula Builder.

Copying and Pasting the Plan

We have implemented the copy and paste feature for a single cell or multiple cells. This allows you to easily copy a single cell or multiple cells from one location to another, even from third-party applications, such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, SmartSheets, and Microsoft Project. You can also copy calculations from one measure to another measure.

When you paste the copied cell, the dependencies in the cell are updated to match the new location. For example, if you copy a cell with a calculation that sums a column and paste it in a different location, the dependencies that match the original cell are updated to match the new location.

In addition, we have added a new Absolute References checkbox to the Formula Builder that provides the ability to make dependencies absolute by using a dollar ($) sign and ensures that the dependencies remain the same when you copy a cell with absolute dependencies and paste it in a new location. You must select the Absolute References checkbox if you want to keep a specific measure constant across different locations.

Note: The Absolute References checkbox sets the absolute dependencies and applies them to every filter. Once set, the absolute reference can be removed from specific filters manually, if required.

For more information, see Copying and Pasting Cell in Plan.

Inserting Total Rows and Total Columns

We have added two new Insert Total Row and Insert Total Column buttons that allow you to easily perform more complex calculations. The Insert Total Row button allows you to quickly create a row that sums the values of multiple other rows and cells. Similarly, the Insert Total Column button allows you to create a column displaying each row's total value.

For more information, see:


Fixes are listed on the Known Issues page of the Certinia Community. You can access this page from the Community Support Hub. For a brief description of the issues that have been fixed in this version of Extended Planning and Analysis, see the relevant section of the Known Issues page.